Kitty go purr part 2

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There are so many opportunities to write Catra being a cat and I need it in my life. So here you go.

Once again, they were forced to attend a meeting. The entire princess alliance, and company, were sitting around the meeting table. The topic of the meeting was something about an upcoming foreign diplomatic event they'd be hosting. Glimmer was at the front of the room, blabbering on and on.

It didn't really interest Catra after the first few minutes. She got the gist of what would happen at that time, so her attention went elsewhere.

She sank down in her chair, glaring down at the pencil and paper in front of her. The paper was covered in doodles she's done. With no more room, all she had was the pencil and paper itself.

What to do...

Sitting up, Catra took the paper. Crumpling it up into a ball, Catra sank back down in her seat. She tossed up the paper ball, catching it. Ignoring her surroundings for a moment, she entertained herself by playing one person catch. When that got boring, Catra tossed the wadded up paper onto the table. She gently batted it around with her hands, watching it sloppily tumble around.

Adjusting her position so she was sitting on her haunches, Catra used more of the table to play. She batted the paper ball a little too hard, sending it out of reach. Naturally, Catra jumped up onto the table to chase after it. When she was about to ounce on her target, it was snatched away. Catra's head shot up. Netossa sat there smirking at her.

"You want it, Kitty?" She teased, waving the paper ball in her hand.

Catra stared at the ball, her intentions clear. Netossa toss the ball over Catra's head. Catra watched it fly to the other end of the table. She scampered after it, determined. The ball was again swiped out of her grasp when she got close.

This time it was Glimmer. The young queen was giving Catra an unimpressed look.


Catra groaned.

"Give it!" She demanded, almost whining immaturely. "It's miiiine.

Glimmer rolled her eyes.

"Fine. I guess we can take a break." She conceded. "Only for a while. Also, cuz I actually like watching you be a cat."

Catra glared at the queen, but kept silent because Glimmer was still holding her source of entertainment.

When Glimmer finally tossed the paper ball back to Catra, Catra caught it and stuck her tongue out at her. She went back to batting it around the table.

Glimmer sighed. She was too tired for this shit.

Adora giggled. She nodded.

"Yeah. We never tried to tamper with the bots ever again."

Bow laughed.

"You guys were insane even as kids."

Adora shrugged. She adjusted Catra, who was sitting on her lap, reading a book.

"We had to make our own fun. The Horde was kinda boring otherwise."

Looking at her girlfriend, Adora had an idea. She gently tapped Catra's nose. Catra jumped, raising her head. She looked confused for a second before it registered what was going on. Looking at Adora, the magicat raised a brow.


Adora pressed a kiss to Catra's fuzzy cheek, her hand scratching at the other one.

"I love you." She hummed.

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