Remember us part 5

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Catra wasn't sure of what to think about the others. Her friends. Adora said they were all really nice and understanding. Loud and very physical when it came to showing affection, but Adora said they mean well.

According to her girlfriend.... huh, weird to say that... anyway! According to her, Catra was just as close to the other princesses and such as Adora was. They played a huge part of helping Catra through her trauma and stuff once the war had ended about a year ago. That reassured Catra. If they'd helped her get through it once, maybe they could help her now. It was strange, walking up to the princesses like this, out of nowhere.

The princesses named Perfuma, Netossa, Spinnerella, and Scorpia were apparently closer to Catra than the others in the Alliance. After Catra has woken up in the medic room, they had been as helpful as possible, asking her how she was, and if she needed to talk to someone about memories or something, to find one of them. They seemed eager to see her. Catra had spent most of her time with Adora after the accident.

Guess, this could be used to make up for lost time.

Catra found the princesses outside, chilling out in the meadow by the castle. With Melog by her side, she gathered the courage to go up to the two couples.

The first to notice her was Scorpia. Scorpia sat up, her face lighting up.

"Hey, Wildcat!" She excitedly greeted, getting the others' attention.

Catra smiled shyly once the attention was on her. She felt uncomfortable being the center of attention. It made her want to walk away and forget about this, but she knew she had to do this. So, she stayed in her spot, trying to keep her nerves from getting the best of her. She gave an awkward wave of her hand.

"Hey. Mind if I join you?"

"Of course we don't mind." Perfuma replied, motioning to a spot beside herself. "Please. Sit."

Catra anxiously took a seat on the grass. She internally cursed when she noticed Melog pacing around, going in and out of visibility. She looked at Perfuma who, no doubt, noticed the same thing. Perfuma simply smiled warmly at Catra.

"So, how have you been lately? Any progress on regaining your memories?" Perfuma asked, her voice gentle and not pushing Catra for answers.

Catra felt herself tense up. Memories.

"Um... that's actually what I came here to talk to you guys about." She admitted, grimacing.

Just the mention of memories were enough to trigger them. They weren't full blown flashbacks this time, but Catra couldn't help but feel suddenly uncomfortable. She rubbed her face, as if it would rub away the mess of thoughts going on inside her mind.

"I'm um...... I..."

Catra's train of thought went off track. She couldn't seem to get out a complete sentence. The only thoughts she could think of were of her. Of that place. Pain, fear, screaming.

Catra looked up at a now concerned look Perfuma. She'd forgotten what they were even talking about. The fog in her brain was just so sudden. It made no sense.

Catra blinked, shaking her head.

"Sorry, um...."

"Are you alright?" Scorpia asked.

Catra's gaze moved to the bigger woman. Then they moved to Netossa and Spinnerella. The married couple were also looking at her. Why?

"What?" She asked. "Oh, right. I, um.... came to talk about the... memories. Adora said something that maybe-"

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