Rich girl/poor girl high school AU part 5 (Ending)

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Enjoy :)
Tw: a depressive episode and self-deprecation

Catra knew she should probably go to school. Do something with herself.

However, her one day without medication was enough have her fall into a bad headspace for weeks. She could feel the weight of her depression on her chest, slowly building up. Catra had tried to do something about it. She tried to keep busy at school, spending time with friends, Adora included. After their shopping spree, Adora's friends and Catra had an unspoken truce. They were grateful that Catra had helped Adora, since Adora hadn't told any of them about her mom.

They were more than willing to pitch in and help the Grayskull pair out. Adora and her mom cried when they fundraised enough money for her mom's medication and hospital bills. Glimmer even suggested Adora get a job with her at the local cafe.

Catra's moms even pitched in and created a bank account and left quite a lot in it for the bills and stuff. Adora was hesitant to accept the money, but she couldn't deny she needed the help.

In weeks, Adora's life was turning around for the better. She seemed happier, less stressed.

Catra had spent some more time with her and her mom. Marlena was a gem. Sweet, spunky, had a great sense of humor. She was just as unsure to accept the financial help from Catra and her moms. They had to practically shove the money into their hands and refuse to take it back.

It was great being so involved in Adora's life. Her friends had accepted Catra as a regular.

Even Glimmer didn't comment on her presence in the small group.

Adora's friends were annoying, but not so bad. They were whacky and goofy. Catra had no idea how they'd managed to still be alive. She had taken it upon herself to be the only functioning brain cell amongst the four of them. Turns out Bow and Glimmer loved that she was a magicat. It annoyed Catra when Bow called her cute.

She was not cute.

The two groups merging together was quite something. No one really knows when it happened. They all just started talking more to one another in and out of school. Of course, there were a bit of head-butting, but they got passed that. Eventually they became a huge group.

Catra was never one to have many friends. It was, frankly, overwhelming at times. She'd tried to keep it on the down low, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention.

Catra spent that time hoping and pleading with the gods above that it wouldn't get bad.

It got bad.

When her alarm went off one morning, Catra was too exhausted to get up. Which is weird because she's slept all afternoon and all night. She shouldn't be this tired, yet here she was. Catra sighed.

A gentle knock on her door got her attention. The sound of the door opening and footsteps walking in didn't phase her.

"Honey?" Spinny said, walking into Catra's line of sight.

Catra's mom looked concerned, her brow furrowed.

"Sweetie, you're not going to school?" She asked.

Catra sighed and shrugged.

"Sorry. I don't want to be wasting my life, and I know you expect more from me-"

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