Flufftober Day 13: Pillow talk

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Enjoy :)

CW: Reference to sex and talks of past sexual experiences (Catra's unhealthy coping skill)

Catra was bone tired and satisfied. A content purr rumbled through her chest. Her limbs were like jelly, not having any strength to move them yet. Her mind was foggy, coming down from her high. She could feel Adora still above her, peppering kisses to her neck, her gentle touch bringing her back to reality.

"You alright?" Adora asked, checking in.

Catra hummed in the positive. She was more than alright. Adora carefully moved off of her. She got them under the covers, Catra curled up in her arms. Adora ran her fingers through the soft, brown locks of hair.

"I love you, Kitten." She said.

Catra hummed in response.

"You too."

The two lied there in relative silence, enjoying each other's company and touch. At some point, Catra shifted, rolling over so she was facing Adora. Adora noticed her happy purr stopped and her anxious purr began.

Adora kissed Catra's head.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

She could feel Catra curl up even more. She was hiding.

"Have you been with anyone else, in this way?" She finally asked.

Adora was taken aback by the sudden question. Where was this coming from?

"No, um. You're the only one. I don't think I've ever wanted to have sex with anyone but you. Even as a teen, I only ever imagined you as someone I'd do it with."

Adora was blushing at the admission. Then, she decided to ask Catra the same.

"What about you? Have you been with others?"

Catra tensed up. Adora slowly pulled away, enough to be able to look at her girlfriend. Catra looking down at the sheets, her chest rising and falling faster than before.

"It's okay, Catra. I won't be upset if your answer is yes." Adora told her, hoping to calm her nerves. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Catra hesitated before nodding. Adora rubbed her back.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Catra shrugged.

"I'll need a minute to start talking." She said.

Adora kissed her head.

"Whenever you're ready, baby."

They laid there in silence for a moment. Catra took a few calming breathes.

"I've been with so many people, I've lost count." She finally broke the silence, her voice barely above a whisper.

Adora couldn't help but feel a pinch of jealousy. However, she pushed it down, knowing it was unnecessary. This wasn't about her. It was about Catra. She thought about how to respond to the confession, not wanting to make Catra think she was disgusted with her or something like that.

"How long ago was this?" She asked.

Catra suddenly pulled away from the embrace, sitting up. Adora sat up as well, looking at Catra who had turned away from her. Catra hugged her knees, head down, her ears flat.

"It started after you left. I was drunk half the time, and I honestly couldn't recognize half the people I slept with if I saw them again. It was mostly a distraction from the pain and the anger I felt. I hated myself and so I just..."

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