Remember us part 8

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"I'm bored. Adora!"

Adora glanced up from the papers she had been working on. She looked across the room where Catra was lying on a cushioned bench, draped dramatically across it, Catra staring right at her and pouting.

Adora smiled, amused.

"That sucks." She replied.

Catra groaned. She rolled off the bench, landing on the floor. She rolled her way over to Adora, calling for Adora the entire way.

"Adora, blondie, princess pain in my butt, shiny tall lady of power, love, provider of kisses and cuddles, best friend other than Scorpia, Adooora. Entertain me, please."

Catra reached Adora's chair. Lying on her back, Catra looked up at her, sprawled out on the floor. Adora giggled. Putting down the pencil, she turned her attention to her dramatic girlfriend.

"Yes? How can I help you?" She asked.

Catra blew a piece of hair that was in the way.

"Let's go somewhere. I need to do something somewhere that's not here. I heard there's a festival in one of the towns nearby. Sounds like fun."

Adora hadn't expected that. The old Catra wouldn't have wanted to do anything social unless it was necessary for the Alliance. Hearing her suggest it was strange, but definitely not a bad thing. Everyone had been doing paperwork all week and other tedious work, and they could use a break. She was sure the others were itching to go out and do something fun.

Adora stood up, avoiding stepping on Catra. She smiled warmly, reaching out a hand.

"Great idea. C'mon. Let's go tell the others. We could use some fun."

Catra smiled back and took the hand, letting Adora lift her to her feet.

The town wasn't too busy when they arrived. A few customers in each store, the occasional family or group of teens was seen. It was perfect for the large group of royals and company. Catra looked around at everything. The shops and stands all had varying items being sold. Foods, clothing, furniture, books magical potions.

Catra held on to Adora's arm, looking around at it all.

Glimmer, who was in the front of the group with her dad, stopped and turned to face Catra.

"What do you think?" She asked.

Catra smiled shyly.

"I think I like it. Lots of things to look at. So much is going on. It's almost a lot to take in."

"Well, let us know when it's to much." Adora said, touching one of Catra's hands.

Catra gave a nod, gazing into Adora's eyes for a moment.


The group decided to split up and meet back up for lunch. Adora, Catra, Bow and Glimmer stayed together. They ventured around, letting Catra soak in everything. They'd go into any shop that caught her eye. Adora gave her money to buy some stuff. She couldn't just not give her some. Catra was sad when she realized she didn't have money with her and didn't really get paid.

Glimmer promised that Catra would immediately start getting paid if that's what she wanted. Catra beamed, happy to be getting some income. Catra bought a few items here and there, the four of them going in and out of stores. She seemed to having a good time. Adora couldn't be happier. Adora even got Catra a gift.

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