A 2nd chance at childhood part 5

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Catra was becoming more and more vocal. Other than the happy screeching and crying, it was mostly really cute. The others would occasionally catch her babbling to no one or Melog. The group would sit around and speculate what they thought Catra was saying. So, when Catra actually started to make syllables, they went nuts trying to get her to talk.

They'd spend hours repeating the alphabet and vowels and just random words that Catra could end up saying but probably wouldn't. Catra would stare at whoever was closest to her's mouth. It was unclear whether she was taking it in or just interested in the movement of the mouth. Whoever was holding her would occasionally get a smack in the face when Catra found something interesting about their face.


Adora pulled to pry Catra's finger out of her mouth.

"Catra. Silly girl." She giggled. "No. No touch that."

"Adora." Bow spoke up, looking up from polishing his bow and arrows. "She can't understand that. I don't think 'No' will ever be apart of her vocabulary unless it's directed to someone else."

Catra laughed, finding Adora funny.

"Adaaa!" She cooed.

Adora smiled at her.

"Yeah, kitten. Adora. That's me. Aaadoooraa."

The baby's lips moved, trying to copy the sounds.

"Ada!" Was what came out.

Good enough. Adora stood up, picking Catra up with her. She walked over to Catra's crib, setting Catra in it. Catra whined, pulling herself up to her feet. She hated being left on her own.

"Here, Catra."

Adora quickly popped Catra's binky into her mouth. That seemed to keep the baby occupied. Adora cleaned up the toys on the floor, giving Catra a few of them to play with in the meantime. Settling down in the rocking chair, she tapped on her trackerpad. Who knew being a princess included tons of paperwork. Thank the stars for digital downloads.

"Who's feeding Catra today?" She asked, looking over at Bow.

Bow paused, thinking.

"I think Dad."

"Yup. That's me."

Both ex-warriors looked up, seeing Lance walk into the nursery. He had a duffle-bag over his shoulder. Placing the bag on the floor, he gave Catra a kiss on the head. Catra smiled, happy to see the man. Lance chuckled, picking her up.

"Good morning, baby girl. Sleep good? Papa's working today, so Dada's here."

Catra babbled, her tail going crazy. Lance looked at Bow and Adora.

"How did you kids sleep last night?" He asked.

Bow grinned, looking up at his dad.

"I slept good. Glimmer was up late doing work. We've been having a lot of paperwork lately for galactic affairs from other planets. Adora was officially acknowledged as a royal."

Bow nudged Adora playfully, making Adora smile. Adora rolled her eyes.

"If I knew being a princess included all this work, I'd have declined the offer." She groaned, half serious, half joking.

Lance chuckled.

"I'm sure you'll get used to it."

Lance walked back to the crib, setting Catra back into the crib. He turned and headed for the door.

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