A 2nd chance at childhood part 1

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"Well, that wasn't suppose to happen." Entrapta commented, scratching her head.

She lifted up her goggles, using her hair. Hordak and Wrong Hordak look at the princess and then back at where Catra had just been standing a moment ago. Powering down the contraption, they went to investigate. In the spot that Catra had been standing, was only her clothes.

Hordak couldn't help but see his life flashing before his eyes. Perhaps, having Catra as their test subject was a mistake. Had they just killed Catra? How did someone just disappear into thin air? If she died, Adora was sure to kill them all in retaliation once she found out. Catra, for some reason, meant the world to Adora and would destroy any threat to Catra's safety, friend or not. So, this experiment gone wrong was a one-way ticket to Adora gutting them all with her sword and the other princesses hating him.

Hordak looked at Entrapta, who didn't seem that concerned by the sudden absence of the magicat woman. Was she not aware of their imminent doom?

"Entrapta. Did we just accidentally commit murder? If so, you do realize that Adora will obliterate us all once this incident is made known to her, right?"

Entrapta looked away from the contraption, as if she had just remembered that anyone else had been in the room.

"Oh, right."

"Um, friends." Wrong Hordak spoke up. "I see movement in the pile of garments."

The other two looked at where Wrong Hordak was pointing. There was in fact, a little bundle moving underneath the clothing. They suddenly heard what sounded like squeaky, muffled cry coming from the bundle of clothing. Entrapta curiously walked over to the pile of clothes. Lifting up the maroon shirt, Entrapta peeked. She suddenly gasped, her face lighting up. Entrapta looked over her shoulder at the sentient clones.

"We need to go get the others." She ordered excitedly, getting to her feet. "Wrong Hordak. Stay here and watch her."

Entrapta pulled Hordak out of the lab before either of them knew what was happening.

Adora shot out of her seat.


Entrapta looked at everyone in the room. Glimmer, Bow and the rest of the princess alliance all had fear on their faces, matching Adora. Apparently, telling someone that you experimented on their girlfriend/friend and it went wrong, causes panic.

Adora was terrified by the news.

"Is she hurt? Where is she? Why didn't you let one of us know you'd be doing something?" She rambled.

"Entrapta." Scorpia sighed, exasperated. "Please tell me you didn't kill her."

Entrapta tilted her head in confusion.

"Of course I didn't. She's alive. Come with me, you guys. I want to show you what did happen, because I did not expect these results."

The cryptic language did not help the fear everyone else felt. The group eagerly followed Entrapta and Hordak back to the lab. Adora knew that Entrapta said Catra was alive. That took off one fear. There were still many different, terrible scenarios running through her head. Entrapta was not one to hold back on her experiments, occasionally ignorant to the blatant safety concerns most people would have. So, hearing that something happened to Catra during one of these trials, made Adora's mind race with worst-case scenarios.

The group entered the lab. Adora's eyes widened when she saw the giant laser gun.

Bow asked the questioned she had thought of.
The archer nervously pointed at the invention.

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