Kitty go purr part 8

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Enjoy :)

After the war ended, Catra had a lot of time to adjust to her new environment. She slowly grew comfortable around her new family and friends. This brought out behaviors in her that she would've never displayed to anyone in the Horde, other than Adora or maybe Scorpia. Once her psyche relaxed enough, somewhat realizing there were no more threats, Catra began to let her guard down. A more playful side of her begun to emerge that had been dormant for years.

Catra didn't care what anyone else said, sun baths were the best spots for naps. It was warm and comforting. Catra purred softly, dozing off in her spot near the window, curled up next to where everyone else was discussing something. Catra hasn't cared to pay attention. The hum of voices faded in and out of focus, creating a nice ambiance. 

"Oh! She's napping, guys." A coo caught Catra's ear.

"Seriously. How is a person that cute without trying?"

Catra rolled her eyes. Stupid Bow and his "cute" comments. Catra had gotten used to the comments and stopped trying to discourage his behavior. It wasn't negative, though annoying. So, she let him get away with calling her cute. Didn't mean it didn't make her feel some type of way when he did. She was working on that.

Catra didn't bristle when she realized that the others were now talking about her. She decided to stay still and see what else they'd say.

"I think she's just naturally cute because of her big eyes and how she purrs when she's happy and her little fang and she's just beautiful." Adora went off, gushing and squealing.

That idiot. Catra had to fight to keep her tail from wildly swishing. She shifted so she could hide her blushing face in her arms, playing it off as using her arms to block out the lights. Catra heard footsteps coming her way and stayed still. They sounded like Adora's footsteps, clunky and at a soldier's marching pace.

Adora's scent grew stronger. Catra wondered what she was going to do. Suddenly, a gentle hand was petting her head. The fingers carded through her mane, the motions smooth and gentle. Catra couldn't stop the rumble from coming from her chest. Lifting her head, she leaned into the touch. Catra would never say it out loud, but she loved getting head pets. Well, any gentle physical contact was nice, considering how little she was given in the Horde that didn't involve training and roughhousing. However, she still didn't like to admit she liked physical contact. Luckily, she didn't have to say it in order for Adora and the others to figure out. Apparently this group was big on physical affection.

Catra purred, eagerly leaning into the hand. She heard a happy hum from none other than her girlfriend. The hand moved to under her chin, scratching there. The purring grew louder, Catra clearly enjoying the attention. The longer it went on, the more Catra's energy levels increased. She was fully awake and wanting to move. She couldn't help it. Her senses were in overload. She needed an outlet. Her brain seemed to have switched.

Opening her eyes, Catra latched onto the arm. Looking up, she saw Adora looking at her with wide eyes, not having seen this coming.

"What?" Adora asked. "Too much?"

Catra nodded, a grin on her face.

"Yeah. Now I'm excited."

Looking down at the captured arm, Catra immediately saw it as a tool of entertainment. She yanked Adora down so she was sitting.

"Careful!" Adora laughed. "If you wanted my attention, all you had to do was ask."

Catra didn't seem to be listening. She was too busy trying to wrestle the muscular arm, nibbling on it, smacking it around. The magicat even laid on her back, the arm in her grasp, and started to use her feet as if taking on an opponent. Adora rolled her eyes. She pushed Catra's face, snickering.

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