Kitty go purrrrrr

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This is just a crack fic, kinda. Enjoy

Catra was a cat girl. Everyone knew this. The ears, the tail, the fur, it's pretty obvious to see. Her mannerisms very frequently also, resembled those of a cat. After the war, the rest of the Rebellion, quickly learned this.
"And there are many villages in this area that need supplies transported there as soon as possible. Medical treatment is also needed there."

The meeting had went on for what felt like hours. They've had more of them lately, mostly discussing the repair plans of Etheria. It was extremely important, but... very boring.

A look around the room, and you'd see every person was in some type of stage of boredom. Perfuma, Scorpia, Glimmer, Adora and Bow were forcing themselves to look focused and attentive. Glimmer, Mermista and Frosta were in their seats, staring at Castaspella who was holding the meeting and looking bored out of their minds. Frosta was dead asleep. Catra on the other hand, had no idea what was going on around her. She was totally in her own world, daydreaming or staring at Adora, who was sitting next to her.

Catra was playing with Adora's fingers, absentmindedly. Adora didn't seem to mind or care, and didn't say anything if she did.

Anyway, Catra wasn't really looking anything, simply staring blankly ahead. A sudden flash of color was caught in her line of sight. The light gained Catra's attention, turning her head.

Catra's eyes dilated, her body going still.

On the wall was a small red dot that moved around on the map Casta was gesturing to. Catra's ear flickered with interest, her head tilting. What was that? Why was no one talking about it?

Adora had felt Catra pause with playing with her hand. She would feel Catra's attention was suddenly elsewhere and glanced at her girlfriend. She saw her focused expression and quirked a brow. When she followed Catra's eyes to the map, she knew exactly what was going on. It nearly made her laugh out loud. She clamped a hand over her mouth, watching as Catra slowly climbed up onto the meeting table, crawling towards the area Casta was standing. It gained everyone's attention, Casta pausing in her rant.

Bow leaned over to whisper to Adora, "what is she doing?"

Catra's tail flickered, curious. It was sort of cute, but weird to watch.

Everyone looked at Adora for an explanation. Adora pointing to laser pointer in Castaspella's hand.

"She's fixated on the dot. It's a cat thing."

Casta stared at Catra, as she crept closer, as if hypnotized by it. Casta hummed in thought. She moved the laser, the dot moving with it. Catra's eyes followed. She sat down on the table, in a squatting position. Casta moved the laser around, watching as Catra kept her eyes on it, with hyper focus.

The mage suddenly smirked. Castaspella pointed the laser right in front of Catra. She made it move a little. Suddenly, Catra's hand shot out. She tried to grab the dot. The utter confusion on her face, made Adora's heart do weird things. Everyone watched Catra chase after the red light, no one saying a word. Catra gave chase until the dot disappeared right before her.

Catra looked at Adora, lost and confused, a little frustrated. Adora smiled.

"It was a light." She pointed at Cast, who revealed the laser pointer.

Catra's ears fell in what looked like disappointment, with embarrassment.


Catra crawled back over to her chair, sinking back in. She leaned on Adora's shoulder. Adora reached over and pulled Catra onto her lap. Catra snuggled her, huffing.

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