Don't judge a book by its cover part 7

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Adora sighed. She stared at her laptop, scrolling through the website. She had been doing that for about an hour.

The sound of quiet footsteps took her attention away from her current task. Feeling arms loosely rest on her shoulders, a chin on her head, made her smile.

"What cha up to?" Catra's scratchy voice was heard.

Adora sighed, beside herself.

"Looking at colleges to apply for." She said.

Catra noticed they lack on interest in her voice. That didn't sound right.

"You sound like this is a chore." She commented. "You looking for a school with a good sports team?"

Adora was quiet. Catra then looked at the screen. Instead of sports and stuff like that, there was a page on history programs. Catra lifted her head in interest. Adora sighed, leaning back against the chair.

"I know I need to look at that." She began, before Catra cut her off.

"No you don't." She corrected. "Nothing wrong with having other interests."

Catra lifted herself off of Adora. She walked around her girlfriend, lifting herself up on to the desk. Her eyes scanned Adora's face. Adora looked like she was had been caught watching porn or something forbidden. Shame. This made Catra frown. This was all wrong. Adora should be happy.

Nudging Adora with her foot, she got her to look up at her. Catra tilted her head to the left.

"What's up? You make it sound like you'd rather do anything but this. What's on your mind?"

Adora suddenly looked conflicted. She chewed on her bottom lip, a tiny line forming between her eyebrows. Catra realized Adora must be really bothered by whatever she had going on in her head. Reaching out, she held
Adora's hand. Catra looked her dead in the eyes.

"You know you can talk to me. I may not be the best with words or comforting or feelings, but I'm a damn good listener."

She smiled and wiggled her ears. Adora snorted, a small smile on her lips. It was enough for Catra. She waited for Adora to speak, patiently sitting while Adora put her thoughts together.

Finally, Adora sighed, resting her head on Catra's lap. Catra was taken by surprise. She softly ran one of her hands over the blonde hair. After a moment of silence, Adora lifted her head and looked up at Catra.

"I don't think I want to do sports as a career."

Catra raised an eyebrow.

"Um... ok. Then don't."

Adora's face turned exasperated.

"But, I have to!" She continued. "I've been in sports for as long as I can remember. I've made a name for myself in school because of my abilities. Everyone expects me to be a professional athlete. It's all anyone says about my future. I can't just let them all down."

Catra took on the words. She then snorted. A laugh bubbled up out of her. She shook her head, holding up a finger as she laughed. Adora stared at her, not sure whether to be offended or concerned.

Catra laughed for a minute before she got back in control of herself. She exhaled, smiling at her confused girlfriend.

"Oh, Adora." She said, humorously. "Oh don't have to live the way others want you to. If you do something just 'cuz someone wants you to, then you're not doing it because you actually want to. Dummy, it's your life. No one can else decide what to do with it. Plus, I'm sure no one will actually care if you don't want to do sports professionally."

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