Idk what to title this... 23?

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Coming up with one shot titles is infuriating so maybe I'll just number them from now on. Anyway, enjoy :) this is the expansion of that small part from my last oneshot. Next up should be another short story request :)

Disclaimer: I am NOT romanticizing sexual assault. I just really like writing angsty crap and hurting my fave characters cuz of projecting my trauma onto them. Remember, it wasn't your fault if it happened to you and you didn't deserve it and anyone can be a victim, no matter how tough they think they are or act. You're still valid.

Tw: cursing, sexual assault, panic attack

"C'mon, Cat. They're gonna be here any moment."

Catra rolled her eyes. She pulled on her shirt, trying to at least pick up the pace. She turned to Adora. The princess was standing by the bedroom door, arms crossed, an impatient look on her face.

"Calm your tits." Catra snarked, walking over to her girlfriend. "How do I look?"

Adora looked her up and down, smiling.

"You look nice, but then again..."

Holding out a hand, Adora let Catra take it before she pulled the magicat close to her, their lips pressing together. Catra purred excitedly, her hands on Adora's shoulders.

Breaking the kiss, Adora giggled, looking at Catra's face.

"You always look nice." She finished.

Catra smirked. "I know that, dummy. I'm hot."

Adora rolled her eyes, the smile still on her face. She took a step back, clutching Catra's hand in hers. Adora nodded her head towards the door.

"C'mon. We gotta be there to greet them." She reminded.

Catra nodded. Them was the rulers of a distant kingdom that were coming to Brightmoon. Glimmer had said it was for a meeting to discuss a trade deal with them. She wanted both Catra and Adora to be there to greet their arrival. Diplomacy and crap.

The two made their way to the main entrance of the castle, Glimmer, Micah and Bow already there.

"There you two are." Glimmer sighed in relief.

"What?" Catra asked. "You said to be here, so here we are. We're not that useless."

Glimmer groaned.

"Just c'mon."

The group walked outside. Great timing, because they immediately saw a carriage pulling up to the castle. A man got out of the carriage. He bowed to Glimmer. He must've been the royal footman.

"Your majesty of Brightmoon, may I present the king and queen of Valence." He announced.

The man stepped aside as a couple stepped out of the carriage. The Brightmoon group bowed to the monarchs.

Catra looked up at the couple. They seemed about Micah's age. No doubt they'd been in power for a while.

The king stepped forward, greeting the Brightmoon royal family. He bowed to Glimmer.

"Thank you for coming." Glimmer greeted. "Welcome."

"The pleasure is all ours, Queen Glimmer." The other queen replied, a kind smile on her lips.

Micah hugged the visiting king. Both men gave hardy laughed as they embraced, as if they were longtime friends. Catra thought that Micah must know them really well.

"Also introducing, the king's brother, Prince Fernan."

Everyone turned to see a man step out of the carriage. He looked younger than the king, but not as good looking in Catra's opinion. He regarded them respectfully, saying hello to Glimmer and her dad.

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