Remember us Part 3

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Enjoy :D

Catra was nervous. Today was her first session with Castaspella and Micah to try and retrieve her memories. She should be excited, not pacing around her bedroom. Catra had no idea what to expect. Would it hurt? Would there be side effects to having her brain messed with? Most of all, would she like what she remembered?

Adora had told her a summary of her past, but she knew there were things that only Catra knew about. Things no one but her could know ever happened. Adora seemed to have sugarcoated the bad parts of her past. Their past. Maybe she didn't want to freak Catra out or make her feel bad about something she couldn't remember. However, Catra would remember at some point.

Her not knowing made her feel a small sense of fear. Fear of the unknown.

A knock at her door made her stop pacing.

"Come in." She called, before continuing to pace. She heard the door open.

Turning around, she saw Adora standing there, smiling at her.

"Hey." Adora greeted. "I just wanted to let you know that Casta and Micah are ready for you."

Catra felt her heart drop to her stomach. Already?

Catra gave an anxious sigh, her hands fiddling with one another.

"Ok. Lead the way." She told Adora.

Adora frowned at her demeanor.

"What's wrong?" She asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

Catra crossed her arms, toeing the floor.

"I'm just nervous or whatever." She said. "I don't know what's gonna happen. Being alone with them and possibly remembering some fucked up stuff, doesn't exactly make me feel at ease. It's whatever, I guess. Let's go and get this over with."

Adora watched her walk out of the room, following her after a moment. Adora then took the lead. As they walked, she occasionally looked over her shoulder at Catra. Adora felt the need to comfort her. Slowing her pace, Adora walked beside the magicat. Catra noticed this and arched a brow.

"If you want, I can stay with you in the room. You're right that you might end up remembering some really horrible stuff and I want to be there for you if you need it."

Catra felt her stomach flutter at the suggestion. She had quickly learned in the time she and Adora hung out, relearning each other and their relationship, that Adora was a dork, but a caring dork. She was fun, goofy, head-strong and just a good person. Adora was always wanting to offer support and protect her loved ones. Catra was lucky to have her as a girlfriend. She knew that much already.

Their relationship was currently consisted of spending time together, talking about anything and everything, sitting next to each other during meals, playful teasing and just small touches here and there. Nothing major yet. Catra wasn't sure she was ready for that, since she couldn't even remember what they'd been like doing such physical activities. It made her blush at the idea of her being intimate with the incredibly beautiful young woman.

Adora had stuck to her word and they took slow. She'd let Catra set the pace of their relationship, for which Catra was grateful for.

So, as the two walked down the hall, Catra couldn't help but glance down at Adora's hand that stayed at her side. Catra bit her lip, wondering if she should act on her desire to hold Adora's hand.

They were dating after all.

Before she could think about it any further, Adora stopped walking. Catra's head snapped up. She saw that they'd reached their destination. Adora opened the door, walking in, Catra following her. Castaspella and Micah were in the room, seeming to have been talking to each other. The two older adults turned to Adora and Catra upon hearing the door open.

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