Don't judge a book by its cover Part 5

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Enjoy :)

Tw: mention of abuse, talk of abuse, self-hatred

Pain. Pain everywhere.

That's what Catra woke up to. Her eyes snapped open. The pain was indescribable. Her arms, stomach and legs ached, feeling stiff and unable to move. Catra's back felt like it was on fire. Catra's breath became quick and shallow.

Fuck. Guess her injuries decided to wait until now to start hurting.

Catra felt like she has just been hit by a truck. She couldn't help the tears that formed in her eyes. She gripped the bedsheets in her fist. She wondered if she should tell Adora, but at the same time, didn't want to worry and burden her. Catra suddenly remembered she wasn't in her bedroom. Her eyes widened, feeling the arm that was wrapped around her waist. The body that was pressed up against hers was warm. Catra remembered the night before.

Having a nightmare, Adora checking on her, their little heart-to-heart talk.

Stars, she'd asked Adora to stay and cuddle her to sleep.

Catra felt a small wave of embarrassment wash over her. She must've seemed to weak to Adora.

Then she remembered what Adora had told her.

Adora thought she was strong. Not weak.

A blush crept up to Catra's face at the memory. They had both been there, sitting in the shower together. Catra had stupidly stared at Adora like a creep after crying on her shoulder like a baby. Of course, Adora didn't get upset with her, but instead teased her for it.

Catra couldn't help it. Those muscles. Those abs, goodness they were a sight. The rest of Adora wasn't bad either.

Catra stopped herself. She stuffed those thoughts in the back of her mind, instead becoming aware of her pain once more.
Catra tried to extend an arm. She hissed in pain. Her muscles screamed at her.

"Ow", she whispered, letting her arm fall back down.

That apparently was enough to wake Adora up. The girl seemed to be psychic or whatever, cuz the athlete hummed groggily.

"Catra?" She mumbled, her eyes still closed. "You ok?"

Catra wondered if she could even get up. She tensed her muscles, moving to try to get her arms under so she could push herself up. That clearly wasn't going to happen. Hot pain flashed through her arms, which caused a domino effect of pain to zap down her sides and back. Catra whimpered, flopping back onto the bed like a rock. The gentle pressure on her face made the bruises flare up as well.

The arm around her waist moved, unwrapping from her. She heard movement behind her.

"Catra?" Adora asked, more awake this time. "Are you ok?"

She must've realized something was wrong. A gentle hand touched Catra's outer arm. It almost felt comforting to the pained girl. Almost.

Catra breathed through the pain, though her ribs felt like they were repeatedly stabbing her.

"Hurts." She finally breathed out. "Stars, it hurts."

Adora climbed out of the bed, slipping through the space between Catra and the end of the bed frame. Adora knelt down by Catra's head, looking her in the eyes.

"What do you mean? Your body hurts?"

Catra couldn't only slowly nod her head.

"Yeah. Guess the pain finally came full force."

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