Remember us Part 6

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Tw: low key suicidal, Catra hates herself and talks bad about herself because of course she does. It's Catra.

"Ready, Catra?"

Catra worried her bottom lip. Her grip on Adora's hand tightened. She lifted her gaze from the floor, shifting it towards the two sorcerers. For that memory retrieval session, Micah and Casta were more patient and let her take her time. They even let Perfuma and Scorpia sit in for the session, just in case what happened last time occurred. Heck, even Melog was there, mostly as a way to tell how she was feeling during the session. The alien cat was pacing around the room, occasionally rubbing up against someone for comfort, but then shying away and repeating.

It definitely helped Catra feel safer from any imaginary threats. However, she was still standing, her grip on Adora not letting up as she looked from the Micah and his sister, to the make-shift bed.

"I guess so." She muttered. "Better to just get it over with.

"We'll be right here with you." Adora assured Catra, squeezing her hand back. "And remember, it's only memories. Nothing can physically hurt you. I'll stay right next to you, holding your hand, if you want."

Catra's ears flattened, embarrassed that she would have to rely on Adora for security, when she was a fully grown woman. Though, no one seemed to think the suggestion strange, so it mustn't be that big of a deal to them. Catra shyly nodded in agreement.

She and Adora walked over to the bed. Adora knelt down beside the bed, Catra lying on her back. They remained holding hands. Just like before, Micah and Casta stood on either side of the bed.

Casta spoke up.

"Just like last time, Catra, close your eyes. Micah and I will sift through your mind and look for any lost memories. If something comes to mind, telling us out loud. Anything you may remember. Alright?"

Catra nodded.

"Got it."

With that, they began. Micah and Casta close their eyes to focus their magic. The atmosphere in the room changed. The lights dimmed suddenly, a orb of light appearing above Catra.

No one spoke for the first few minutes. Adora's eyes switched from the glowing orb, to Catra, and then back to the orb. It was fascinating to watch, though Adora couldn't help but feel nervous. Catra seemed relaxed, maybe a little nervous, but of course she was.

Catra suddenly broke the silence.

"I hear screaming." She said.

"What kind of screaming?" Micah questioned gently.

Adora looked down at her girlfriend. Catra's brows pinched together.

"Um... anger, I think."

Catra sucked in a breath.

"I feel so angry. I think I'm the one yelling."

Catra's face screwed up, as if she were trying to make sense of it all. Her face softened.

"I'm.... I'm back at the Horde. It's all dark and gloomy and metal."

Adora ran her thumb over the back of Catra's hand. Catra licked dry lips.

"I'm yelling at people. I feel so angry and... scared."

"Of what?" Casta asked. "Can you see who else is there?"


Catra's expression softened.

"I see... Scorpia."

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