Mean but cute

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More moments of our favorite cat b*tch :)  enjoy!

Adora hummed, strolling into her room. She was exhausted after a long meeting with the princesses and a good lunch. She wanted a nap. Naps had become a regular part of her life, thanks to her friends forcing her to learn to relax.

After weeks of struggling to stay still and fighting Catra whenever Adora's brain thought of something she could be doing instead. Eventually, napping was an activity she started joining Catra in doing.

Catra could sleep almost anywhere. That is, after the nightmares and constant paranoia finally chilled out. Once Catra got actual sleep, there was no bothering her. She hated being awoken and no one woke her up, no matter where she was.

Which is why, when Adora entered the bedroom she shared with the feline hybrid, she wasn't surprised to find said girl in bed, fast asleep. This wouldn't have been a problem, however, if Catra wasn't lying in the middle of the damn bed.

Adora sighed. She shrugged off her jacket and toed her boots off.

Walking over to the king sized bed, Adora sat down, observing her girlfriend. Call her weird, but Adora always thought Catra was the cutest when she slept. It was the way she looked so calm and serene. The way her nose occasionally twitched in her sleep did things to Adora's heart and her purring made the warrior princess fawn. It was a sight to behold, in Adora's opinion. She could stare at Catra all day and just watch her exist. That was a treat for her.

A yawn escaped from Adora, reminding her of why she came in the first place. Right. A nap.

Adora looked at the little space Catra left surrounding her. Adora would have to either move her or ask her to move. Both included waking Catra up and that was a crime.

However, Adora had already probably committed several war crimes, so what's one more?

Adora prepared herself and gently shook Catra.

"Baby? Wake up."

Catra was a pretty light sleeper. So, she was alert immediately, opening an eye. The cutest little 'mrrrp' came from her. Catra looked at Adora, half-asleep.

"Hm?" She managed to get out, not having the energy to talk.

Adora smiled.

"I'm gonna take a nap too. Scoot over." She told Catra.

Catra stared at her for a second. She then laid her head back down, closing her eyes. Adora huffed, not surprised.

"C'mon, Catra. Please?" Adora begged.

A snore answered her. Adora pouted. Plan B. Kneeling on the bed, Adora wrapped her arms around Catra's waist and pulled her over. Catra jolted awake, panic on her face.

"What the fuck, Adora?" She screeched, wiggling in Adora's grasp.

Adora dragged her to one side of the bed. Once in a good spot, she let Catra shove her away, hissing unhappily. Ignoring the death glare from Catra, Adora climbed into her side of the bed, getting comfortable. A moment later, Adora casually glanced at Catra, who was looking at her like she'd just committed treason against her.

Adora laughed.


Catra stuck her tongue out and rolled over. She didn't protest when Adora pulled her closer, spooning her. Adora grinned, her chest pressed against Catra's back.

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