Don't judge a book by its cover Part 10

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The next day, Adora was eager to get to school. She'd spent all night, worried sick about what was going on with Catra. Tossing and turning, unable to sleep much.

Once her alarm rang, Adora quickly got up and started on her morning routine.

Heading down to the kitchen for breakfast, she walked in to see Mara sitting at the kitchen table, her laptop on in front of her.

"Mar?" Adora broke the silence, making Mara look up.

"Hey." Mara greeted before looking back at her laptop screen.

Remembering her task, Adora went around the kitchen, getting a decent breakfast together. She sat down beside her sister, staring on her food.

"What are you up to??" Adora asked curiously, peeking over at the screen.

"Doing research on getting Catra out of that house." Mara mumbled, scrolling through a website.

Adora looked at her face. Mara looked exhausted, like she hadn't slept at all.

"Did you have trouble sleeping too?" Adora asked.

Mara sighed and dropped her head into her hands. She hummed, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah. I just can't help but have a really bad feeling about her being there alone."

Adora nodded in agreement. She quickly ate her breakfast, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"Maybe she'll be at school today." She got out between bites. "If she is, at least she'll be where I can get to her if she needs it."

Mara smiled at her, resting her head on her hand.

"You're right. I have off today, so I'll see if I can go and ask Angela's husband what he thought about the situation. Maybe he can help."

Adora gave her approval. She finished her meal, then grabbed her school bag. With a goodbye to Mara, Adora was out the door.

Adora pulled up to the parking lot. She parked and got out. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, Adora looked around for any sign of her friends or Catra. She locked her car, stuffing the key into her varsity jacket pocket and walked towards the building.

Entering the school, Adora kept an eye out for her girlfriend. It took a while, but eventually, the jock spotted Catra by her locker. Relief washed over Adora, calming her nerves.

"Catra!" Adora called, making her way towards her.

Hearing her name, Catra looked Adora's way. Her face held a mixture of emotions. Adora walked up to her, smiling.

"Hey." Adora sighed, pulling Catra into a hug. Catra loosely hugged back, her posture stiff.

Noticing the strange behavior, Adora frowned and pulled away.

"You ok?" She asked. "How was your first night back?"

Catra fiddled with the strap of her bag.

"It went ok." She replied, avoiding eye contact.

Adora knew something was wrong. This wasn't like Catra. Catra sighed suddenly.

"Listen." She said, keeping her voice low. "We can't be together anymore. I can't keep seeing you."

Adora felt like her world stopped. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out.

Catra was breaking up with her? Why?

Catra looked guilty, her ears flat, still avoiding eye contact.

"I don't like it, but it's best if we don't talk anymore. I'm sorry."

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