8 4 * the addition and the plan

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"HAS KREACHER TOLD you anything worth your time, Mr. Black?" Dumbledore asked at the next meeting, "About the locket's location?"

Regulus grew uncomfortable under the eyes of the large amount of Order members. "Yeah, Bonnie and I have been creating a plan to retrieve it before the end of term. Since the Dark Lord wants to wait until after the newest recruits from Hogwarts can take part in the attack against the Ministry, we want to get it soon."

"How do we even know Voldemort was not planning to show Miss Miller that?" Moody gruffed out.

"Being almost the end of April without more than Muggle attacks, I say she was correct," Sirius sneered, planting an arm around Bonnie's shoulders. "He was angry and accidentally opened their connection... whatever connection that may be. They should get the locket now, that way, all that is left is the snake. We could kill him before the end of the year!"

James called, "Hear, hear!"

"Show me less cheek, Mr. Black, Mr. Potter. You work under me now." Moody stood with a glare. "You think it'll be over just like that?"

"I think, sir, the locket is the next mission that needs full priority. Regulus and I will take care of it before June," Bonnie said. "It may not be over as soon as we want, but we'll be one step closer."

"And what? We're supposed to just let you and an underage wizard go on your own?"

"Regulus is cleared by the Ministry to perform magic, Dumbledore did that himself. As for why he's coming over someone else, Kreacher only listens to him. He refuses anyone's command, even Sirius's. If we want Kreacher to guide us, Regulus has to be there," Bonnie snapped. "I'll keep him safe."

Dumbledore rose his hand before Moody could say something else. "Before June, you say?"

"Yes, sir," Bonnie answered.

"Good, good. You and Regulus have until June before I step in," he said with a wry smile.

Bonnie and Regulus were called back after the meeting was dismissed. Sirius waited by the doorway, talking to Remus who would go pick up Maxwell from Molly's home. Regulus eyed Bonnie warily as they approached the dark wizard.

"I want you to bring Peter on this mission," he spoke softly so that those still around could not hear. Bonnie's eyed widened, eyes finding Peter laughing at something James and Lily were talking about. "This will prove his loyalty. He has also approached me about the Death Eater run-ins he has had. I need to make sure he knows what side to fight for."

"Sir, Peter is good. He won't fail us this time," Bonnie tried, but Dumbledore cut her off.

"Mr. Pettigrew!" he called. Peter's face showed fear as he walked over.

"Yes, Professor?"

"You'll accompany Bonnie and Mr. Black on their mission to find the locket. Okay?"

Peter looked ready to shit himself, but he was able to form a nod and a nervous smile.

Bonnie glared at Professor Dumbledore. He was messing in her plans, again.

The next day, Bonnie was lounging in Potter Manor as she had the day off due to a weather charm mix up in the entire Regulation of Creatures Department. Lily was home, looking over her Healer notes for her big exam that was coming up.

"Hey, Lil?"

Lily looked up with a small smile. "Did Fabian and Mary seem closer than normal at the Order meeting?"

Lily snorted. "You noticed, too? Quite frankly, I think they got married without anyone around. Mary had been hinting at it for a while. Gideon would know. Why don't you owl him?"

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