Year 5 Part 2

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We practice for our full hour, Ravenclaw was waiting to practice after us

Practice was as awkward as I figured it would be, with Fred being pissed at me not blocking a single bludger that came towards me, luckily George caught most of them

Angelina made me do the most laps, which I think she thought it was a punishment but to me it was a chance to show my speed

Ron failed miserably at being a keeper, but he lets his nerves get to him and I'm sure he'll get better after a few more practices

Cedric stayed in the bleachers our entire practice, and every time I felt discouraged with Fred's mood, I would look at him and he would be smiling and giving me a thumbs up
He's too pure for this world

When we all finally dismounted, Angelina told us our practice schedule and let us go off on our own. She went right up to Fred and George, which I tried to not let bother me
Part of me expected her to replace me, I think she chose against it only to gloat about Fred and her

Harry came up to me with Ron and the three of us walked out of field and back to the castle
But when we got close to the edge Cedric came up to our group

  "You did well for your first day back" Cedric said smiling

  "I usually do way better" I said feeling discouraged and rubbing a spot on my arm that a bludger hit me in

  "I bet you just held back so the rest of the teams thought they had a chance this year" he said laughing

Harry and Ron glared at him but I pushed both of them away

  "I'll meet you all in the castle ok?"

  "No we'll stay it's ok" Ron said pushing his chest out

I laughed "no really it's fine" I waved them off

Cedric and I walked to the lake, chatting about our summers

  "So you got to spend time with your dad? That's really great I knew he wasn't a bad guy" he said as he picked up a rock and threw it into the lake

  "Yeah he's just got a lot of things going on to clear his name, but I love being able to spend time with him" I sat down near a tree

Cedric came over and sat with me

We stayed in silence for a couple of minutes, staring at the night sky

   "You are beautiful" he said staring into my eyes "and I know you just broke up with Fred but when you are ready I would like to be there for you, I've liked you for a while" he said rubbing my hand

  "Cedric you are the most kind person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, you're right though I'm not ready yet. But when I am it would be nice, to be with someone like you" I said smiling

Smiling, something I didn't think would be possible without Fred
Maybe I've been blinded by him for so long, that I didn't bother seeing his bad side
I should have known he would do something like that to me when he first told me he was thinking of me when he was with her originally

Cedric got up, and put his hand out for me to grab
  "As much as I would love to stay here all night, I am head boy and can't let you get caught passed curfew" he smiled

  "Head boy huh? That's a perfect role for you"

We walked back together, he even walked me to my common room

  "Goodnight Electra"

  "Goodnight Cedric"

I opened the common room door, and found Hermione Harry and Ron waiting up for me

  "Where were you??" Hermione asked

I smiled "I was with Cedric"

She looked shocked but smiled
  "We need to discuss what happened now!!" She said running up to me and dragging me to the couch

I explained what happened between us, which wasn't really anything but to my friends it was something big.
The fact that I can even talk to another guy right now was incredible, Hermione said to me
Harry and Ron dislike the fact that it's Cedric, since he's on an opposing team but were happy to hear me happy

I went to bed that night with a smile on my face

The next morning we got our class schedules, and we all had our classes together except for Herbology which Hermione and I took, Harry and Ron skipped it this year

  "Good morning Electra" Cedric said as he squeezed in between Ron and me at our table
Ron glared at him but let him sit with us anyways

  "Good morning Cedric" I said smiling

  "Can I walk you to your first class?"

I looked down the table and saw Fred glaring at Cedric

  "Yes you can, I would love that! See you in class" I said waving to my friends

Fred's POV

I saw Cedric push his way next to Electra, that piece of shit is trying to get with her I know he is

He's liked her for years, I bet she's even liked him while we were together. Why else would she be with someone right away

I glared at him, and if looks could kill this would be one of those times

  "Hey Fred we have potions first class wanna skip?" George asked

  "Who do we have potions with this year"

George looked at his schedule
  "Potions with uh...hufflepuff" He said unwillingly

  "Nope were not skipping it I have a better idea"

I watched as Cedric took Electra's hand and let her out of the grand hall

  "We're getting Cedric aren't we" Lee asked who just joined our table, after his breakfast date with a Ravenclaw girl

  "He thinks he can be with Electra, and I'll make him regret that" I said clenching my fist

  "That's not how you are going to win her back..." George said

I glared at him "who's side are you on?"

  "Both of yours you git. She's basically a sister to me, and as much as I'd like to say you're in the right you're not. You either have to cool down your anger enough to talk to her, or let her be happy with someone else. She could pick someone WAY worse. You know her history with slytherins"

  "I'm pranking him in potions, are you in or not" I asked annoyed

He rolled his eyes "obviously I am, but because he's the caption to the hufflepuffs not because he's talking to Electra"

  "I'm in too!" Lee said excitingly "but I'm not getting involved in your lovers quarrel"

   "Hey Freddie!!" I heard an annoying voice yell for me down the table, Angelina

  "Hi" I said dryly

She got up and moved closer to my group

  "I see Electra's move on, so wanna walk to class together? I'm on potions first too" she said smiling

As much as I wish, her smile doesn't bring me any joy like Electra's did.

  "Sure" I said getting up and not waiting for her
She waved to Katy, and ran up to my side grabbing my arm and holding it

  "We shouldn't have ever broken up, we are meant to be clearly" she said smiling

I just nodded and kept walking
If Electra's going to move on so am I

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