Year 5 Part 19

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After Fred felt it was safe, we left our hiding spot and looked around the hallway for Ron and Hermione

  "They couldn't have gone far if Harry was caught" I said trying to hold back my anxiety

  "They might have already left, I waited till I knew it was good to leave, Ron is impulsive and Hermione wouldn't hold him back if he tried to leave"

  "I heard that I'm not impulsive" Ron said coming from behind the invisibility cloak

  "You are ok!!" I yelled running up to them and hugging them tightly "why did Harry get caught?!"

  "After we left, he ran back in the room to grab the list of names on the mirror so no one would be caught. He got the parchment and used a spell to burn it, and by the time he got out, Draco showed up and jinxed his legs to capture him" Hermione explained

  "I did try to go after him but Hermione told me to not move, Harry would be ok" Ron said

  "See impulsive" Fred said

  "I tried too it's ok Ron, Fred held me back"

  "Fred being responsible for once?" Hermione joked

  "When it comes to Electra's safety I take everything seriously" Fred said back

  "We can finish this later we need to catch up to Harry, he's probably in Dumbledore's office"

  "We need to go to the common room, we could still get into trouble if we go to his office" Hermione said

  "I agree Granger"

Ron and I huffed, but agreed to go to the common room where we would wait for everyone

When we arrived, we found plenty of out of shape Gryffindors panting, and in that group we found George and Ginny

  "Harry got caught" I said after hugging both of them

Hermione explained what happened to them, and they told us they ran for a secret tunnel that was close by, one that led directly to our common room door

  "Good thinking" I said sitting down

  "I hope Harry is ok" Ginny said

  "We do too" Ron said sitting down with us

An hour went by, before Harry finally showed up in the common room

He explained to us what happened in the office and how Dumbledore left after they tried taking him to Azkaban for the creation of our group that he took full blame for

  "So Umbridge is..." Ron said

  "Our Headmaster" Hermione finished it

  "Yup" Harry said

  "Well shit" George said

  "We are going to make her regret taking that position" Fred said smirking

  "That we are Fred" George said laughing

"I also have detention with her for 4 weeks straight when we get back, 4 times a week" Harry said

"That's madness!" Hermione yelled

"She's headmaster now she can do what she pleases" Harry said annoyed

After our conversation ended, everyone headed up stairs to go to sleep, leaving Fred and I alone in the common room

"Things are going to get really messy now aren't they?"

He kissed my hand
"Yes but everything will be ok, we will be going home in a couple of days and we can forget about this hell for a little while"

I smiled, and moved closer to cuddle into his chest

He began to run his fingers through my long hair, and hum a sweet melody

"I love you"

"I love you more" he said holding me tightly

I looked up at him, and he was staring hungrily into my eyes
"Gold" was all he said before he began kissing me

I kissed him back deeply, moving onto his lap and tangling my hands in his beautiful red hair

He ran his hands down my back, and squeezed my butt which made me giggle

"I love your ass" he said between kisses

"I love your hands on it" I said smiling

He got up, with me in his arms and then rested us on the couch, me laying down and him on top of me
Kissing me passionately

"We haven't had a lot of alone time" he said

"I'm glad we have some now"

He put his hands under my red crew neck, and cupped my breast all while moving his lips from mine and onto my jawline

Then down to my neck

"I think a mark here will do" he said sucking on my neck, leaving behind a love bite

"Fred" I moaned

He took his lips off my neck and looked into my eyes, his were filled with passion and lighter than I've ever seen them get

"When you moan my name, it undoes me. I could listen to my name on your lips for the rest of my life and still not get enough of it" he lifted my sweater off and kissed my chest

He took his hand from my breast and started moving towards my leggings

I put my hands under his shirt and clawed at his shoulders, wanting him to go lower to where I throbbed

  "Merlin! Electra Fred I'm sorry uhh" Ron had come down the stairs, and neither of us heard him approach

When I pushed Fred off and looked at Ron he was covering his eyes and walking back for the stairs

  "I forgot my bag down here you couldn't have waited till we were all sleeping??" He yelled

  "Ron you cockblock" Fred yelled "I'm going to beat your ass"

  "I said sorry!" Ron yelled running up the stairs as Fred chased after him throwing his bag and plenty of dungbombs his way

I laughed watching the scene unfold, but butterflies stayed in my stomach. Everytime Fred touches me, he sends shivers down my spin. His deep voice talking to me while we are intimate is my comfort, and his strong body hovering over me leaves me weak

Fred came back down as I was tracing my lips with my pointer finger

  "Now where were we" he said smirking at me

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