Year 6 Part 23

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2 weeks later and we were all back at Hogwarts

I agreed to train with Snape even though my dad and Harry disagreed with it
I told Harry I would listen for anything suspicious and I told my dad I would contact him if Snape acted strangely, hoping that would satisfy both of their concerns

I had a hard time leaving, but everyone in the order convinced me the safest place I could be was here at the school with Dumbledore
I told everyone I could about our engagement, they all congratulated us but also said it was about time
Everyone knew the love we had for each other was strong and was endless
I wrote to Bill and Charlie, so I expect letters from them coming soon typically they take a while to respond

The four of us were sitting in the common room after our classes were finished

  "So did you pick a date yet?" Hermione asked looking at my ring again

  "Not yet, Fleur and Bill have theirs this year so I told Fred after I graduate would be nice. Neither of us needs a big wedding but we have large families so it's going to be a lot of planning" I twirled the ring around my finger smiling

Hermione held my hand and smiled back

  "I need to get that memory from Slughorn" Harry said changing the subject
He was sitting nervously
Dumbledore gave him a project to do with Slughorn and it's been driving him insane since we arrived at school
This memory is important and without it they can't hope to figure out Voldemort's plans

  "What about his parties we can try those again?" Ron said

  "He stopped having them after Christmas" Hermione added

  "Harry I'm so stupid!" I said out loud
Everyone jumped

  "You said it not me" he joked

  "Felix Felicis...luck potion" I said looking at him and his face lite up

  "If I take it I can get the memory!" He said jumping up too

He ran upstairs to go find it and when he did he drank almost the full bottle
  "Off to Hagrid's" he said after drinking it

  "What Harry no Slughorn!" Hermione yelled at him

  "But I have a good feeling about Hagrid's" Harry said waving us off

I looked at Hermione and Ron and shrugged
Frankie came out of my pocket and sat on my shoulder

  "Won won?" Lavender called when she entered the common room

Hermione glared at her and she glared back

  "What are you doing so close to him" she said running over and grabbing Ron's arm "let's go to the Astronomy tower" she winked at Hermione who turned red

  "I think I'm going to go to the owlery want to come?" I asked Hermione

She scuffed but agreed to walk with me if only to get away from what they were doing now that we decided to leave the room

  "She's just ridiculous!" Hermione yelled and Frankie jumped back into my pocket "sorry Frankie"

I pet him slowly and walked up the stairs to the owls
  "You could always tell Ron how you feel..." I said softly

  "I feel like jinxing him" she said annoyed

  "Ok yeah sure" I said winking at her "won won will figure her out soon enough I mean you were the one he invited to his house for holiday correct?"

She blushed
  "I go every year"

  "But Lavender doesn't, she wasn't even invited I heard her ask Ron and he said it was too packed already. As if Mrs.Weasley would have cared"

She smiled and walked up to meet me at the top of the stairs

  "Four letters, Bill Charlie Percy and my dad" I said smiling

  "You're literally the only one Percy letters back" she said

  "I know, I wish things were better for them..."

We went to the dining hall instead of the common room, hoping to avoid Ron and Lavender

I opened my dad's first

Dear Vulpes,

I'm so happy for you and Fred. When he asked me for your hand, I couldn't help but pull him in for a hug him. He's just like I was when I was younger, a smart ass but fiercely protective . The day you came into my life, I prayed you would find someone worthy of your dedication and love. Fred is your person just like your mother was mine. I hope you love her ring, parting with it felt like nothing when it was to give it to you. Cherish it and I hope one day you can give it to your future children. Stay safe at school, and call for me through Fred if anything happens. I love you


I smiled and moved onto the next letter, Percy

Dear Miss.Black,

Congratulations, I knew Fred and you were meant to be
I know things are hard with my family and myself but I still hope I am invited to your wedding

Stay safe
-Percy Weasley

  "He's always so formal" Hermione said reading over my shoulder

The next letter was Bill

Dear Electra,
I'm so happy!! Fleur was jumping for joy when I told her. I knew this day would come sooner than later, Fred always picked you as his wife when we played house it was a sign really.
Let me know when the wedding is a week in advance so we can help plan things, Fleur is an amazing decorator and wants to help however she can

I love you stay safe

  "I bet Fleur would be good at that" Hermione said

My final letter was from Charlie

Dear Lightning,

Finally!! I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for this day. I'm so glad you two have each other, he's the only one I'll let take my spot as number one in your life.
Sorina said congratulations and she can't wait for the wedding! She has already told me that your wedding gift is going to be a baby dragon that is being born next year, so think of a good name for it
Let me know the details of the wedding so we can be there, we will need a week in advance

I love you please stay safe...
I heard what happened at the burrow and I know being brave is your thing but being alive is more important


  "He has a point you know" Hermione said

  "Ready to go back to the common room?" I asked avoiding the subject

She nodded
I gave Celeste treats for her travels and wished her a goodnight

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