Another Goodbye

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The snow was being melted away by rain, it's been raining for two days straight now.
Even though it was pouring currently, we decided to play one last quidditch game before they leave, everyone was in on playing this time
Mrs.Wealsey was the referee along with Percy, my team included myself and Bill as chasers Fred as our beater and Ron as my keeper, Charlie's team includes himself and Ginny as chasers, Mr.Weasley as their keeper and George as their beater.

"Ok let's have a nice clean game" Mrs.Weasley says as Percy releases the Quaffle into the air.

Charlie and I dive for it, but he's too long and reached it before I did. He then passed it to Ginny who dropped it, and Bill was able to recover it then pass it to me.

I raced across the field and threw it into the makeshift goal by Mr.Weasley who couldn't block it.

"10 points to team Storm" Mrs.Weasley shouts

I threw the Quaffle to Bill who caught it and started towards to goal, but George stopped him by smacking a bludger to the ball. Ginny recovered it and sent it to our goal, which Ron blocked just barely with his head.
The quaffle is thrown back into the middle, Charlie catches and throws it into our goal easily getting passed Ron this time.

"10 points to Team Dragons" Percy yells

The game had been going on long enough for Mrs.Weasley to yells at us to end it and come inside, being as drenched as we all are from the game we accepted her proposal.

The end score was 110/100 Charlie's team winning. He was the schools best Chaser so I'm not shocked that he won.

"Electra you did really good today, you're going to try out for the team in your second year yeah?" Charlie asks helping me to dry off, he was old enough to use magic outside of school but he didn't do it often

"Yeah definitely!! I would love to be captain in my fifth year too but we will see it I even get on the team" I said braiding my hair to keep it from being frizzy

"There is no way you won't, you are incredible at quidditch, with George and I on the team we will make sure of it" Fred said as he pushed the back door open, entering our conversation

"I want to get in on my skills alone, not because you two threatened the Captain"

Fred walked over to me and started playing with my braid
"Well Charlie is our Captain right now, but from what we've heard next is our keeper Oliver Woods and if you knew him then you would know a threat isn't going to faze him. He's hardcore, and a bloody good keeper. He will only pick the best for his team, you will definitely get in from talent alone" George said shaking off the rain like a wet dog

Mrs.Weasley had a goodbye lunch ready for everyone, she made roast beef sandwiches and a vegetable one for me. I don't have a problem eating meat, I just don't care for it as much as I do vegetables and fruits.
Mr.Weasley gathered up the boys who were leaving, he explained to Mrs.Weasley that he will take them in before work this time around.
I decided to stay home, I wasn't feeling too good after the quidditch game
I figured it was from being out in the cold rain for too long, it's hard giving up a game of quidditch when we were so close in points.

Percy gave the ones staying home a hug, and off he went into the fireplace. George hugged everyone except for me who got their hair messed always.
Fred looked conflicted about leaving me
  "Are you going to be ok?" He asked wrapping a blanket around my shoulders, I was shivering on the couch after giving out hugs

  "I-I-I'm s-sure" I said

  "Stop worrying mother hen" George said picking fun of him "mum's here she can't have a better nurse you know that"

Fred went to hug the ones remaining home, when he got to me he walked in front of where I was sitting and got onto his knees
He checked my forehead with worry lines crossing his face
  "She's burning up mum"

  "I've got tea readying for her and potions that will help keep a fever at bay" she said back from the kitchen

  "I-I'll miss y-you" I said softly

  "I'll miss you more" he whispered back to me
Fred kissed my forehead, making me blush per usual
I watched everyone enter the fireplace and disappear in smoke
I touched the spot that he kissed and smiled deeply thinking of how much it means to me that he cares
Mr.Weasley bid a fair well, and after a kiss to Mrs.Weasley he left too.

  "I th-think I need t-to lay do-down" I said placing my head on Ron's lap who came over to sit with me
He started playing with my braid, every so often rubbing my shoulder
Mrs.Weasley went up to me and felt my forehead
  "A little warm, Fred was right. Why don't you take a nap I'll check on you in a little bit"
She kissed the top of Ron's head
  "Let me know if something changes Ron"

At some point in my nap, someone had picked me up and brought me to my room
I didn't share a room at the burrow, I wouldn't have cared if I did but Mr.Weasley thought his office would make a great room for me
I tried telling him it was unnecessary but he insisted after I got old enough to be split off from sharing with Ginny
My room was filled with professional Quidditch team's merchandise mostly Bulgaria and England
Bulgaria's color was red and initially that's what drew me to them but since watching the sport I've grown to love that team
England is my home, so by default I love them

My window was cracked open, the way I like it when I sleep. I know it was closed before I entered the room since Mrs.Weasley prefers me to keep it that way, but whoever brought me in here must have known I liked it open
Which means it wasn't Mrs.Weasley, if I had to guess it would have been Bill before he left for work again

I let myself fall asleep, even though I just got up from my nap. As rare as it was to sleep, I knew that if I was tired it was best to try to get more but I woke not long after by Mrs.Weasley playing with my hair

She told me I was screaming again, and came to comfort me
I don't think I will ever fall asleep without nightmares haunting me

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