Year 4 Part:17

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After the shower, I walked down to the fireplace and just stared into it






By 6, I heard the a door open from the boys dorms. I just continued to stare at the fire

"Hey Love you never came to bed last night" Fred said sleepily

I stayed quiet

"Everything ok?" He walked over to my side and sat down with me "Electra? You don't look well, are you sick?" He checked my forehead "you feel cold like usual" he turned my face to look at him "you look more tired than you did yesterday did you not sleep again?"

I turned my face back to the fire

  "Sweetheart talk to me" he said taking my hand and kissing the back of it "please"

"I couldn't sleep" I said looking at Fred now "I didn't want to bother you, or the rest of the roommates so I just stayed here all night. We can still run-" Fred cut me off

"No, you need sleep. Let's skip running, it's only one day. You're meeting with Hermione Harry and Ron around 1 so why don't we go to my room and sleep till 10 or even 12, I didn't sleep well last night either if it makes you feel better. I kept tossing and turning, I was going to come down here too but I figured you wanted space...I'm trying hard to give you some even if it goes against what I feel is right. if I had known you were down here I wouldn't have stayed in bed. I wish I didnt. It's hard to sleep without you next to me"

"Moody used the Imperius curse on us during class yesterday" I pulled my arms into my chest, holding myself "To everyone else it was a simple lesson but for me it was a mental breaking point. I broke out of his control the second time he used the spell, but having him in my mind felt invasive...then last night I took a shower and cried pretty much the whole time"

Fred watched me as I talked. When I finished he moved to my face and held it
"I'm so sorry my sweet Electra...I can't be there in class to protect you, I wish I could. He did the same to my class, but I figured he wouldn't dare do it to anyone younger...I didn't think to warn you for that reason I'm really sorry"

  "It's ok Freddie, like you said why would be show both years the same thing it's not usually like that. Let's go back to bed?"

  "Yes my Love" Fred swooped me up in his arms and brought us to his dorm where we slept until 11

Before we headed to find a dress we discussed the riddle in the egg

  "What are they going to take from you all" Hermione pondered

  "Maybe like something we care a lot about like our wands?" Harry said

  "Come seek us where our voices sound, the black lake obviously" Hermione said

  "An hour long you'll have to look" Harry said

  "Potentially problematic" Hermione said

  "Yeah if you can hold your breath for an hour, maybe" Ron added

  "So you two need something to help you breath that long? Maybe there is a spell" Hermione said

  "What about gillyweed?" Neville chimed in
He was joining us on our hogsmeade date soon

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