The meeting Part 2

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I gulped but kept my head high

  "No thank you? Have you been raised without manors?" Voldemort demanded

  "She was raised with blood traitors I'm sure that's the case" Yaxley retorted

Snickering filled the room but then Voldemort glared at me
  "You have something of mine"

I didn't make eye contact I stared at the top of his head instead and didn't answer him

  "Are you mute?" He asked waving his wand around

  "No" I answered

"When I talk to you, you will answer me" he shot a spell above my head, it shattered the light behind my seat
I wanted to jump but I stayed as still as I could
My breathing even stopped for the moment

I nodded instead of answering him, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of making me uneasy
Which goes against what Draco told me but I can't let myself look weak

"Give it back or become one of us, you have the choice" he looked at me intensely
Give my power back and die or become a death eater was more like it

"How about I work with you" I said
Draco looked at me concerned but not scared, both options were bad but I think I made the right choice

He laughed
"What would your father think or your mother, she was a fine woman indeed"

I felt my temper rise but I kept it in control

"They both died protecting their loved ones" he laughed and others joined him
Bellatrix's laughter was the loudest in my ears
Being this close to my parents' murderer was worse than being in a room with Barty and Voldemort combined

He threw his hand in the air to silence everyone "how pathetic"

Stay calm stay calm

I felt a hand begin rubbing my exposed leg
Fucking bastard he knows I can't make a scene
He slowed his hand down and then squeezed aggressively keeping his hand on my thigh while the meeting continued

My palms were soaked with sweat and I couldn't focus on what anyone was saying, not with the anxious feeling I was having with Barty touching me

"Draco you do it, redeem yourself for the loss of respect you received from not completing your goal at Hogwarts. Are you ready Miss.Black?" Voldemort caught my attention away from Barty

"Yes" I wasn't sure what they asked but Draco told me to trust him, and if he was doing something I knew I had to go along with it

Voldemort grinned with his yellow rotted out teeth
"Do it"

Draco looked at me and lifted his wand

My mind went foggy
I can hear people talking around me
My body is moving on its own
Why am I walking towards Voldemort?
My arm is burning, it's on fire I need to stop it

I can't move
I'm burning up I'm going to die

I was back in my seat panting heavily
Eyes were on me so I straightened up and raised my chin again

"Draco use her powers when the time comes" Voldemort said to him and he nodded

The Imperius curse...

"My lord you should reconsider letting Draco control her...I have been loyal to you countless times let me take control" Barty said beside me

I stiffened up

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