Year 5 Part 9

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I heard the door open, but I couldn't bring myself to look up to see who entered so I just continued to cry

An arm was put around my shoulders and pulled me in close

I kept my hands in front of my eyes but I found myself leaning into the arms of whoever was holding me

Some time passed and whoever was kind enough to hold me stayed, stayed while I hyperventilated, played with my hair and rubbed my arms to help 
I could feel my mind slipping but each touch of that stranger kept me grounded

I finally found the courage to open my eyes and see who was with me

  "I saw you run passed a Weasel twin from the Astronomy tower, and watched you run into this room. I figured I'd follow you to be sure you were ok, and you weren't so I wanted to be there for you"

I wiped my tears from my cheeks "thank you, I'm not ok, but I will be" I got up and Draco pulled me in for a hug

  "Let me know if you need me, I will always be there for you"

I smiled and walked out of the classroom with him

But we ran into Fred and George when we opened the door

I looked at Fred, George and then Draco

They were all looking at me, my swollen eyes, and tear stained face

I transformed into Vulpes and ran passed them, I don't care where I go but it's better than there

Fred's POV

Electra saw me and Angelina together
Good she knows how I feel now

That doesn't make me feel better

After the quidditch practice and she fell asleep on my lap, I went and found Angelina and walked up here with her
I wanted to forget about her
For once

So I started kissing her, and she kissed me back
If I can just move passed her we will both be better off
She thinks I'm already with her
I can't change her mind
She's with Cedric anyways

We were like that for a couple of minutes before she busted into the room and ran back out after pausing to stare at us
At me

When she left, I ran down even though Angelina was yelling my name
My body knew what my mind didn't
I made a mistake
Another one

I want no one but her
She has to know that
I just blew whatever chance of us getting back together

When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw George staring off into the hallway

  "Where did she go??" I asked out of breath

He looked at me "she ran off, crying"

I felt my heart shatter

  "I should find her"

  "Should you?" He asked annoyed

I glared at him "yes" I said with a growl

  "I think you should leave her alone" he said stepping in front of me, blocking the door

  "I need to make it right" I said about to push passed him

  "No, you wanted to be with Angelina after I convinced her to come with me to watch that practice with us. She wanted to be near you, she chose to come with me even knowing you were there...wonder why?? It's because she wants to be with you, but you HAD to go and make out with Angelina instead of talk to her"

  "You think this is easy for me?! She's with someone else, why can't I be?!"

  "Because you love her and she loves you. But you're both too stubborn to talk, you'd rather keep hurting each other instead"

I pushed passed him but he followed me to find her

When we finally found her, she was walking out of a room with Malfoy
I hate him

She turned into Vulpes and ran off again, I was about to run after her when Malfoy grabbed my arm

  "Can I help you?" I asked angry

  "Stay away from her asshole"

  "Why do you care you don't care about anyone other than yourself" I said shoving him

He shoved back "because she's family and I care about her, and anyone who hurts her has to deal with me" he said shoving me back

I was about to lose my temper when I heard another voice yelling at us from down the hall
This can't get any worse

He walked up to us
  "Let's break it up now ok?" He said putting himself in between us and looking at George "will you bring your brother out of the way"

George grabbed my arm but I flung it out of his hand
  "Fuck both of you"

Cedric stared at me
  "What did I do?"

I couldn't control my temper, I swung for Cedrics face and landed a punch straight in his nose

He started bleeding profusely from it and then Malfoy tried getting into a fight with me
But before it could be an all out battle, George pulled me away and made me walk from the fight

My hands were shaking, but George walked me to the common room and made me go upstairs with him
I saw Electra curled up on Hermione's lap, she didn't even look my way
There's no way she knows about Cedric already
I found myself topping near her, but George pushed me again

Lee was in our shared dorm when we entered
He looked at George dragging me and sighed heavily
  "Whatcha do that was so bad that George had to be sensible?"

  "Come on Fred, punching her current boyfriend isn't going to go over well" George said sitting on his bed

  "I couldn't help it, he makes me so angry"

  "Because of Electra"


Lee chuckled
  "Control your temper mate, she's never going to want to be with you if you're being hot headed"

I know Lee is right
I just hope that she doesn't hate me now that I hit Cedric

Electra's POV

I ran to the common room, and found Hermione were I left her

She looked at me in my fox form, and motioned for me to sit on her lap again

So I did

I laid there for most of the day while she did homework

Until I heard Fred and George come into the common room

I didn't even bother to look at them, I just stayed where I was staring into the fire

Before curfew hit, I decided to go find Cedric I hadn't seen him all day

I found him in the grand hall, with a bandage on his nose

I walked up and sat next to him and his friends

I put my fingers on his nose
  "What happened?" I kissed him on the bandage softly

He smiled
  "Don't worry about it" he grabbed my hand and kissed it


He looked at me
  "Yeah quidditch"

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