End Game Part 5

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Days passed and Kreacher still didn't return
We were running out of food, and would have to start eating from Hermione's supply soon

I walked up to the windows and looked outside, this was my home but being trapped in it was painful.
I can't imagine how my dad felt all those years

I saw a few death eaters posted up front

  "They can't see us right?" Ron asked coming up next to me to look out the window

  "No, I'm sure they know it's here though. The ministry has copies of every will made for witches and wizards, so they know my dad left it in my possession but the magic on the house makes it invisible to them. We're probably safe here for a while"

  "Unless they capture an order member and find out that information" Harry said walking beside us

  "We will cross that bridge when we hit it I suppose" I closed the blinds

Later that night the front door opened
Ron and Harry ran for the doorway of the kitchen leaving Hermione and I standing by the dining table

  "I am Remus Lupin, I taught you all defense class in your 3rd year. Electra your Patronus is a fox just like your Animagus, Harry yours is a stag"
Harry and Ron put their wands down and then Lupin came into the kitchen from the main hallway

  "Lupin?" I asked excited "what are you doing there?!"
I ran up and hugged him

  "I came to see you lot, I figured this would be the spot you would all seek protection in"

We all sat down at the dining table and listened to what Lupin said

  "The ministry is looking for you Harry, you too Electra you've been added to that list. The ministry is being ruled by death eaters now and they are making every wizard and witch go in for questioning about their blood. Anyone who is without magically parents will be prosecuted for 'stealing magic'. Hermione it is very important you don't get caught by them, I've been told nasty things are happening to even half bloods, I can't imagine what non-magic families are going through"

  "That's terrible..." Hermione said

  "How's my family?" Ron asked next

  "They're good, surviving. Your dad is still working at the ministry for now, so is Percy. Bill and Fleur took off to the family cottage on the sea, Ginny has returned to school unfortunately they are making all students return, and Fred and George have stayed locked down in their loft"
My heart did somersaults hearing Fred's name
  "I wouldn't go there though" he noticed my train of thought "everyone from your family is scattered because it's easier to catch them all if they're at the burrow together. They think it's only a matter of time before they're prosecuted for being know as 'blood traitors'. The loft is extremely protected, but you would have to go into Diagon Alley first and that's not a safe idea. The alley has been completely shut down and death eaters roam the streets. Fred and George go between the loft and your family home to get food, so don't fret they are being safe. Don't send out any Patronus either, death eaters have notes on what Patronus to look out for, a stag and fox are on that list. If they see a blue light racing passed them they are to intercept it for information"

"Does Fred know where his locket went?" I asked holding onto my bracelet

  "He thinks Fenrir Greyback stole it to sell it" he said sadly "while you were apparating he was jumped by Fenrir. Bill got him off Fred but from doing so Bill suffered a grave injury to his face and a bite to his shoulder. We don't know if he's going to be a werewolf as well, my theory is he will just have the tendencies and not a full transformation since the moon wasn't present at all"
Ron pulled me in for a hug, he needs it as much as I do in this moment

  "Anything else happened that we should be caught up on?" Harry asked suspiciously

Lupin paused
  "I'm joining you four on the mission you have been told to do"

  "What do you mean?" Harry asked

  "If Sirius was here he would have joined too I know it and since he's not I can't let you all risk your lives while I stand by and watch. You don't have to fill me in, I'll just be here to protect you all and help you whenever I can"

  "What about Tonks?" Hermione asked "what does she think of you leaving to help us?"
Tonks and Lupin got married while I was gone, they wanted to do it before one of them got killed is what they told me
It's sad that they planned to lose one another
Now I'm wishing I married Fred before this happened
I played with my engagement ring silently

  "She's at her parents house...she's pregnant so it's the best place for her"

  "Congratulations!!" We all said but Lupin looked conflicted

  "What's wrong with her being pregnant?" I asked

  "I don't want her to get exiled like I was, or our child. I'm afraid of my werewolf genes passing down to the baby, it's a lot to handle right now"

  "So you're running away?" Harry demanded "I never thought of you as a coward"

Lupin glared at Harry

  "Harry dont be an ass" I said to him annoyed "I'm sure he has his reasons"

  "Reasons for abandoning his pregnant wife and their child? I don't think your dad or my dad would have thought that to be the right idea. We don't want your help go home" Harry said angrily

  "You need me" Lupin said angry now too

  "We don't now leave" Harry demanded

Lupin looked at Harry then the rest of us
  "Fine" he stormed off into the main hall and stormed out the door

  "Harry why would you be so rude??" Hermione demanded

  "He's trying to abandon his responsibilities and I won't have that"

A crack of apparation happened close to us and we all turned to see Kreacher and surprisingly Dobby carrying Fletcher into our view

I saw him and felt all my sadness turn into rage again
I walked up to Fletcher and punched him straight in the face
  "You bastard you stole from my father's house!" I punched him again and again while Kreacher and Dobby held him down

Ron ran over to me and grabbed my arms, holding me back
  "We need him alive" he said to me

  "Harry Potter and his friends! How nice it is to see you" Dobby said while Kreacher continued to hold down Fletcher by threatening him with a wand he grabbed from him already

  "Dobby what are you doing here?" Harry asked

  "Dobby saw Kreacher tackling Mundungus and then heard Kreacher say Harry Potter's name so Dobby went and tackled Mundungus with Kreacher and apparated back together" he said proudly

Ron let me go when he noticed I wasn't fighting him any longer

Harry looked at Fletcher all bloodied up from my punches
  "You have 5 minutes to tell us what we need to know or Ron's sicking Electra on you again"

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