Year 3 Part: 7

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   Today's the day, my first quidditch game. I as usual woke up at 5:30am to get ready for my run. No one has bothered to run with me since Seamus tried, which is the way I prefer it to be. So far the days weather is fine but I've been told by the time our match arrives the weather is going to be absolutely brutal. Best to get on with my run before that happens

   I made my way down to the grounds, waved my hello to Hagrid and off I went. The wind had already started to pick up I can feel the weather shifting quicker than I thought. I'm a fast runner, I'm not worried about getting caught in the rain I just might not be able to talk to Hagrid that much this morning.

   As I made my 3rd mile, I heard something following me. I turned around and could see a black large dog chasing after me, I wasn't nervous it didn't seem aggressive but I wonder where it came from?

   I kept on going, and before I knew it the dog had caught up to me. I looked at it's eyes, and i felt warmth coming from it. I also felt like I knew who this was, but it's a dog not a person...right?

   The dog kept up with me the entire time, and usually I like being alone but this was nice. I enjoyed having a creature follow me and run beside me, it's not like it was slowing me down if anything it was making me run faster because of its speed.

   We finished and I went to pet him, but he looked at Hagrid and ran off back into the woods.
I hope that's not the last time I see him he was definitely welcomed on my next run.

   "Where did you find that dog? I've never seen it round these parts" Hagrid asked curiously

   "It just sort of followed me after my 3rd mile, I don't know where it came from but I hope it comes back"

   "Just be careful, it could be an Animagus. I know your father is out there, could even be him I don't recall if he was one or not"
Hagrid wasn't sure how to feel about my dad, he was there that night when they took Harry from the Potter's house and according to him my dad looked like a mess
Which I'm sure he was

   "An Animagus sir? Could you explain"

   "An Animagus is a witch or wizard who can transform into a creature at will, it's a learnt skill that takes an entire month to learn, you have to keep a leaf of a mandrake leaf inside your mouth under your tongue the entire month, and every day you have to recite "Amato Animo Animato Animagus". It's tricky, and can easily backfire. But those who learn it have to register what their Animagus turns into with the Ministry, it's their way of keeping track of you so you don't try to flee using it"

   "I think I want to become one, do you chose what you change into?"

   "No, your traits favor an animal and that is who you turn into, you could anything from a beetle to an elephant, I don't think you should try it, it's not safe especially for a 3rd year there are plenty of adults who are half animals because of failed attempts" Hagrid looked up to the sky
The clouds were darkening and rumbling could be hear in the near distance "the weather is getting bad you should head in" Hagrid said as he shooed me away

  An dad could be one and that could be how he's escaped capture for so long now.
I'm going to have to research this more maybe with Hermione.

   The wind was howling and the rain was coming down in sheets. By the time I reached the castle I was completely soaked, my hair was stuck to my face and I was shivering by this point.
I made my way to the common room, where the Gryffindor team was up and discussing today's strategy.

   "Where have you been you are usually back by 7 it's 7:20?" Oliver asked "we have a whole lot to cover for today's game, we haven't discussed the chasers part yet, so you've arrived at a perfect time. But no more being late!" He said agitated
Oliver was standing in the front of our team, everyone looked from me to him while he was railing into me about being late
Angelina chuckled while he was scolding me

    "I'm sorry i got distracted talking to Hagrid, I will pay attention now I promise" I said as I stood behind the couch, where Harry George and Fred were sitting

   "Here have my spot, it's closer to the fire you look cold" Fred said as he got up and switched with me

   "Thank you Freddie"

He nodded and then grabbed a throw blanket to place over me while I warmed up

   Oliver went on about what my role as a chaser would be today, and how we were going to out smart those dumbass Slytherins. They use cheating and their brute strength to win, we will use our brute strength as well, but we won't cheat we will win with a cunning strategy

  Today's classes went by quickly, and we are now sitting for lunch. I took some oatmeal and added berries on top of it, then drank green tea for energy. I was going to need all the energy I could get for this game, we only had one class left and after that it's our intense game against Slytherin.

   "Are you nervous for your first game?" Harry asked

   "Yes actually, but I'm also excited I can't wait to show the other teams what we're made of this year!!"

   "Thats the spirit!" Yelled Dean

   "We will be there routing for you all" Seamus said

  Our last class ended, it was potions. Professor Snape made sure to give all of the Gryffindors extra pages to cover in homework, I'm sure it's a way to distract us from the game. This time I'm leaving all my homework for later, I'm not letting myself get distracted from playing today.

  From the common room, the entire team got changed into our uniforms and started walking down to the field. Beside me was Fred and he kept his arm draped around my shoulder and every once in a while he would rub my back, I'm sure I looked as nervous as I felt. I just want to do good

  We made it to the locker rooms, where we were instructed to leave our wands behind and grab our brooms. The only one of us that was allowed a wand was our Captain.

  The wind had completely soaked us on our walk already, and I was violently shaking. I don't like being this cold, I couldn't stop shivering I don't know how I'm expected to stay on a broom in this weather.

   "It'll be ok El" Fred said as he used his body to warm me up, George came into our circle and warmed me up too "If you fall of your broom I'll catch you ok? I'll keep an eye out for you"

  "I'll be f-f-fine like you s-s-said, plus I don't want to distract one of the b-beaters, I wouldn't hear the end of it if Oliver got h-hit with a Bludger" I could feel myself warming up with them hugging me but my voice was still shaking

   "You've already got one of us distracted" George whispered looking at Fred, who punched his arm

   "Okay team let's huddle up" Oliver used a drying spell and a warming spell on us, to help for now "we have to win this I don't want to see Flints stupid mug laughing at our loss, do what it takes to win but let's not get any fouls I don't want them to get easy goals because of it"

   "Harry you get that snitch as quick as you can please I don't want to freeze to my broom" said Katy Bell, another chaser

   "Ok let's win!" Oliver yelled

   It was hard to hear over the raging wind and rain, but the Gryffindors were chanting "Go Go Gryffindor". I tried to find Hermione and Ron but it was impossible to see past the rain, I was walking towards the middle when a gust of wind knocked me backwards. Harry caught me, and helped me back on my feet. This was going to be rough

  "I want a good clean game" Madame Hooch yelled over the rain

  Oliver and Marcus met in the middle, and the rest of the team was in the sky already

I faced Graham, who gave me a smile.
Oliver and Marcus grabbed each other's hand to shake and clearly tried to break

the tensions were high

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