End Game Part 15

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Another new location, this time it was a forest filled with trees and creatures running around

"This is a nice spot" I said helping Hermione with spells around our area

"Definitely the best we've been in" Harry said helping with spells too

Ron quietly set up the tent and then went inside without a word to us
I heard the radio turn back on
"Muggle murder is the highest it's ever been, if you see a muggle please throw a shield over them. If we don't help them no one will" the voice said
We finally found a wizard channel a day ago, and since then Ron has kept up listening to it
"Now time for the saddest part of our day, Deaths of our Wizarding community, if you hear a name of a loved one I am so sorry"

The voice let off a list of 15 wizards and witches, all killed by death eaters or werewolves who were snatching them up and then disposing their bodies
Thankfully we haven't heard a Weasley name or anyone from school, we've been lucky. I suppose our friends and family are better at hiding

"Ron I'll take the locket" I said walking into the tent to see him

"I'm fine" he said

We don't usually let Ron wear it for longer than a day, he gets the most emotion out of all of us. He's been wearing it for almost 3 days now

I sat beside him and turned the radio down slightly
"No it's ok really let me help" I tried grabbing for it but he grabbed my hand instead

"I'll switch tomorrow" he put my hand back down and I let it be

Nighttime fell and I had gone out earlier with Harry to hunt for food
I was able to go into a lake and find loads of fish, but I only took what was necessary for us that night
Hermione cooked it, Ron would have normally been on the job of helping her but he stayed sitting down next to the radio glaring into it, listening for our family and friend's names

"Do you hear that?" Hermione asked nervously
Harry and I jumped up and looked out of the tent
On the other side of our boundaries, panting from being out of breath, were two humans and two goblins

Harry and I looked at each other and then back outside of the tent

  "Barely got away from those snatchers" said a voice we both recognized as Dean

  "You're pretty quick when you want to be" the older males voice said

  "You humans don't even know what we're capable of" a goblin said

Harry and I listened to their conversation
They talked about how the goblins want revenge on the snatchers, but they also talked about news from Hogwarts

  "Did you hear that Ginny Luna and Neville got caught trying to take the sword of Gryffindor from Snape's office?" Dean said to his group "not sure what they wanted it for but Snape caught them and gave them detention with Hagrid"

Harry had stopped breathing when I looked at him, I know he's worried about Ginny
We're both worried about all three of them

  "The sword was sent to Gringotts is what I heard" said the voice of Ted Tonks we discovered "apparently it's a fake though"

  "The real one is missing still" one of the goblins said
The group disapparated from their spot after they heard a noise coming from behind them
Hopefully not more Snatchers

Harry and I turned back to our group

  "That's why he left you the sword" Harry said excited


  "We used the sword to kill the basilisk in our second year!" He looked at Hermione "get the portrait of Phineas but blindfold him so he doesn't see where we are"

She obliged and brought him out
  "What is going on?!" He demanded

Harry walked up to Hermione
  "When was the last time you saw the sword of Gryffindor"

  "You dragged me out for this??"

I walked up to it

He grunted
  "Dumbledore used it to destroy a ring"

Hermione stuffed him back in her bag
  "So it can destroy Horcruxes!" She said excited too "we have to find it"

  "Great another thing to fucking find" Ron said looking at his radio
His eyes had darkened and he was slouched over the table

  "But now we know how to destroy them" Harry said back annoyed

  "Add it to the list of things we dont have a fucking clue on their locations" Ron got up "am I supposed to be happy that we get to find ANOTHER object??"

Hermione and I looked at each other
  "Ron I think you've worn that too long" Hermione said going up to him but he pushed her hand away from his neck

  "I'll tell you what I've had enough of" Ron threw his cup across the tent making Hermione and I jump "I've had enough of all of this! I thought you had a plan!!" he yelled at Harry who was across the room

"What do you want from me I've told you all I know!" Harry yelled back

"I figured Dumbledore would have given you a LITTLE more to go off of"

"Oh I'm so sorry this isn't going as easy as you thought" Harry went into Ron's face but
I started holding back Harry and Hermione did the same for Ron "did you think you'd be home in time for Christmas?? Spent time with your family??"

"I thought you would know what you're doing!! You don't know what it's like having a family out there being hunted by Death Eaters" Ron's face was bright red "your family is dead you have no IDEA what I'm going through" Hermione gasped "every damn day and night I listen to that FUCKING radio praying to Merlin I don't hear one of my siblings or my parents names"

"Ron take off the locket" Hermione begged him

"Why don't you just fucking leave then?? Go back to your mummy and let her make you dinner and coddle you all over again. I have people I care about too you asshole!! I didn't want ANY of you to come but you all insisted" Harry tried moving but I had a grip on his arms

"I wanted to because I thought you had a PLAN!! fuck you im leaving" he shook Hermione off and threw the locket at Harry

"Fuck you too" Harry said shaking me off his arms too

"You coming??" He asked Hermione

She gulped
"I can't Ron...."

He laughed
"Of course you can't. I should have know"

"What's that supposed to mean??" She demanded

He wouldn't look at her, instead he looked at me
"Electra are you staying or coming"

I looked at Harry and then Hermione who was fuming
"I'll come"

"Good let's fucking leave" he grabbed his radio and then my bag and walked out of the tent
When he left I looked at Hermione

"I'll bring him back when he's cooled down I promise" I hugged her and then tried to hug Harry but he pushed me off


He glared at me
"Fucking leave too then"

I raised my eyebrows
"Don't take this out on me I didn't do anything wrong"

"Whatever" he said

I glared at him but then heard Ron calling for me so I ran out of the tent and grabbed his hand to apparate somewhere away from our group
I hate being separated

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