End Game Part 10

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I was still in agonizing pain, worse now that we apparated twice
I picked my head up to see Hermione covered in Ron's blood, Harry was racing over to their side
I felt useless but I couldnt move
There was a good chance I was splinched too, I wouldn't know until the pain from my mark was gone though

"Bring me my healing potion quickly!!" She yelled

Harry went into her bag digging through it but then yelled "Accio Dittany"
The bottle came flying towards him, he passed it to Hermione to give it to Ron
She added a few drops onto his arm, within seconds his wounds healed up
I knew with splinches it would take a few days for the wound to fully heal, no matter the potion

"Hermione what happened?" Harry asked sitting down now

"Yaxley followed us to Sirius' house I don't know how. He knew where we'd been staying now so we couldn't stay any longer, I quickly apparated here and Ron got splinched on the way" she finished adding potion to his shoulder and then got up from the ground to place protection spells around our circle
The burning in my arm ceased again, so I tried to move but fell back down onto the ground

Hermione ran over to my side
  "I'm sorry" she said hurt "I had to move us again I know that didn't help your pain"

  "I'll be ok" I said clutching my arm still
The pain was gone but my body felt exhausted

  "Are you splinched..?" She asked concerned
I saw Harry take over placing protection spells for us

  "I don't think so" I closed my eyes "I'm so exhausted"

Hermione looked concerned
Harry came over to me, helped me get off the ground and brought me to where Ron was sitting up now
They left the two of us on the ground as they set up camp

"Where are we?" Harry asked curiously

"The forest that the Quidditch World Cup was held near" I said looking at the tree where Fred held me when Charlie and Bill rescued me from death eaters in my 4th year
The first time he told me he loved me
The tree was directly in front of us, I pushed myself off of the ground and stumbled my way over
I ran my hand down to the stump and looked at the ground as if I could see the memory of us come to life
Fred held me tightly that night

"Electra can you help me set up tent? If you're too tired it's ok, just easier together" Hermione called me away from my daydream and I walked slowly away from the tree
I wonder what you're up too...

Fred's POV

I'm back to not seeing or hearing Electra again
Weeks have gone by since the last time I held her
She's with Ron Hermione and Harry she's safe
I had to remind myself that daily when I began to worry

She may not be at the manor, but she's far from being out of danger
Anything could happen to her while she's out in the world
Her photo is all over the daily Prophet, they used her Quidditch photo, I'm sure trying to slander her name
she looks beautiful as a criminal too
The thought made me grin slightly

George and I are headed back to the burrow
We've been staying in the loft mostly but we have to keep switching just in case Death Eaters try for the loft
It's as protected as the burrow but we couldn't be too safe
I needed to survive to see my sweet angel again

Every day I'm at the loft I wished for Electra to show up
She can't though, the alley is being monitored by every angle but I just wish I would see her beautiful face show up through my window

I keep the front door unlocked just in case...the protection spell works for George Lee myself and her. It was meant to protect her after the wedding, but she was never able to come here

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