Year 6 Part 17

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My body was shaking

"Hello cousin," she said looking at me and then my dad "how was the funeral sorry I couldn't make it, it took a while to figure out the protection spells you all use" she grinned

I heard more footsteps coming from behind me and then I heard Fred's voice calling for my name

"Electra don't!!" he yelled

But it was too late I was already running after her with Harry who showed up beside me

"I killed Nova Black!" She yelled as she ran through the opening in the fire
We jumped over it before it closed up again
Blocking the rest of the house on the other side of the blockade

I heard Fred and my dad yelling my name
I heard spells being thrown at the fire trying to put it out so everyone else could get past it
But mostly I heard Bellatrix laughing in the distance

Harry and I ran to the center of the field where we stopped and looked around
Shadows raced passed us so we backed up into each other and pressed our backs together
I had my wand facing one way and Harry had his facing another

"I want her dead" I said to Harry, shaking

A shadow emerged from the field, exposing itself

"Hello," Fenrir Greyback said "you both look tasty" he growled

Harry put himself in front of me, exposing our backs
A shot of green went flying our way, but I noticed it in time and jumped in front of it
My bracelet bounced the spell back to the user but no bodies fell

I faced that direction now that Harry was facing Greyback

Bellatrix came out of the direction of the killing curse
"You've got yourself a fun toy huh" she said pointing to her wrist
I don't know how she figured out what repelled the spell but that wasn't my concern right now as more death eaters started to show themselves

Harry and I were now surrounded by 8 all in different spots with their wands facing towards us

I looked at Bellatrix
"You're dead" I told her

"Am I? Good luck you wouldn't be the first to try" she raised her wand to me and shot a spell
A fireball came charging for us, but Harry pushed me onto the ground and covered my back with his body
My bracelet works against offensive spells, but I don't think it would work for elemental ones
Harry must have figured that because right when he saw the fire come out of her wand he acted

The death eaters all started to close in, Harry picked me up and faced them with me

"Electra Harry!!" I heard my dad call out

I saw in the distance the cornfield moving around and knew they had gotten out of the fire

The death eaters knew too because they started firing spells in that direction
Harry and I sent stunning spells in every direction, but the death eaters avoided each one

"Electra!!" I heard Fred yell

Please don't let anything happen to Fred or my dad

"Don't you want to kill me?" Bellatrix said staring at me and bringing my attention back to her

I fired a stunning spell at her but she blocked it
She looked at a figure coming from the field
Barty Crouch

"It's been too long" he said closing in on me

A shot of green went flying for him
He jumped out of the way and then shot the killing curse back in that direction

I listened for a body but none fell. Instead the killing spell got ricocheted back his direction
Barty used his wand to deflect it

"Get away from her" Fred said pointing his wand at Barty

"Fred be careful" I yelled but he was already firing more spells in his direction

Barty dodged spell after spell but got hit with one that started making his whole body bleed out
He looked at his body and fell to the ground covering whatever holes he could

Bellatrix looked at him, and he nodded his head
He disapparated alongside Fenrir Greyback who walked up to him and grabbed his arm

"It sounds like our fun is over, but we will see each other again soon" she said laughing maniacally

Fred ran up to my side and pushed me behind him
He refused to take his eyes off the spot that Barty disappeared into

My dad and Lupin came out of the field and pointed their wand to Bellatrix before she disapparated

By the time the rest of the order showed up around us, all the death eaters had disappeared
All but one who was hiding in the field
Whoever it was, sent a fireball at the burrow engulfing it in flames

"Molly..." Mr.Weasley said "MOLLY" he yelled running back to the house alongside Tonks

My dad ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug
"Why would you two do that..." he said letting me go then hugging Harry

After my dad released me, I walked in front of Fred who was still staring at the field

"Freddie?" I said taking his face into my hands "they're gone" I choked out

He pulled me into a tight hug and stayed silent
I had my head resting on his chest
I could hear his heart beating fast
And from the bracelet, I could feel his panic and rage pouring through to me

Harry followed after Tonks and Mr.Weasley hoping to get there in time to help put out the fire that was taking the burrow

My dad sat down on the ground and put his hands over his face
Lupin put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed hard

"You realize that's what they wanted right..." he said to me

I tried to get out of Fred's grip but he wasn't letting me go, as if he was scared that I wasn't actually there

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just run off I couldn't control my rage when I saw her..." I said to my dad on the other side of Fred

"Do you think you were the only one feeling that way when she showed herself?!" He yelled getting up from his place on the ground "you could have DIED Electra or..."
Or been taken alive and brought on the same fate that my mom suffered
He didn't need to say it for me to understand what haunted him
I can't recall a time when my dad actually yelled at me, this was the very first

"I'm glad you're both ok"
Lupin said
He left after a couple of silent minutes

"If I had lost you or Harry...I don't know what I would have done" my dad confessed "every day you two aren't near me I fear that...Electra I can't lose you too"

I cried while Fred held me
My tears were full of regret from what just happened
I didn't think I just acted

I could smell smoke coming from every direction, but the burrow must have been put out because darkness flooded the area again

My dad walked up to us and put his hand on Fred's shoulder
"She's here she's ok" he said to him

I can't imagine what went through their minds trying to get to me

Fred released me only to my dad who pulled me in for another hug

"I love you Electra. You and Harry are my world" he whispered

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