True Soul Mates

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Electra's POV

I walked outside the burrow after Mrs.Weasley sent her Patronus and I explained how Draco and his mother saved my life

I knew Fred was alive and with his dad and brother, that calmed my anxiety down

He would be getting the Patronus soon and I wanted to be outside when he arrived
I wanted to see him so desperately my heart ached for it

I waited not even 2 minutes before I heard a loud crack and saw three figures land with a teacup portkey

Mr.Weasley and Bill looked shocked to see me, Fred was facing the opposite way but even without him looking at me being this close to him made my heart repair itself piece by piece
I put my hand over it, as if I could feel the pieces coming together again
He turned around and I stopped breathing

  "Electra..." he gasped out

I uncontrollably sobbed
I ran
I ran to him as fast as I could
He held out his arms and caught me when I jumped onto him
He laid his hands on my back and embraced me securely
I put my arms around his neck and my hands in his hair
I breathed in his firework scent and let my body take as much as it could

I felt his body shake and when I pulled my face away from his shoulder I saw his face was saturated with tears

  "Electra" he sobbed out "Electra..." he held me tighter "I never thought I'd see...see you again"

I held onto him tightly
  "I have missed you so so so much..."

He grabbed my hair in his hands and pulled my head closer to him
  "I've been so lost without you" he choked out "I'm so sorry for failing you"

I pulled back
  "Fred you didn't fail me"

He held onto me still, as if letting me go meant I wasn't really there
  "I did...they took you away and...your dad Electra I'm so sorry about him" he went back to holding me close "I wasn't there to comfort you or save you I am the shittiest fiancé in the world I failed you miserably"

I pulled back to kiss him passionately
The world stopped when our lips met finally after all this time
My soul felt whole
"True soul mates"

I looked at Fred after I kissed him
  "No you didn't, you did everything you could have in the moment. My dad..." I choked on the words "I'm so sad without him"

He slowly brought me to the ground with him and had me straddle his lap. He put his hands on my cheeks and pulled my face close to his

  "Electra I am so sorry for everything that happened that day, and everything you've been through since. I will never forgive myself for letting those things happen to you, but if you will have me still I promise you I will never let it happen again. Over my dead body will someone take you away from me again"

  "Freddie I can't imagine my life without you ever, so please don't promise something like that, over your dead body...I don't want you die too" I put my forehead next to his "please don't die"

He pulled my head onto his shoulder
  "Shhh I won't" he ran his hands through my soaked hair "you're completely drenched let's get you inside and changed"
Fred picked me up and walked with me in his arms, his hands on my backside and my arms around his neck
I didn't want to let go of him now that I had him back

When we entered the burrow he set me down slowly, looking at me the entire time
His eyes looked me up and down like he was checking me for injuries

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