Battle of 7 Potters

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2 months have gone by
I still couldn't get myself to sleep or to eat much, I felt lost
The feeling of disappointing my loved ones never left my mind
How will they react when they see me, see my maimed arm with it's dark mark
Has Fred moved on?
Does he think I'm dead too...
Time moves slowly at the manor, a few months have felt like years in this darkness
I rarely look in mirrors here, but when I do I see the signs of time but I feel none of it
My bruises and scabs from the fight at Hogwarts are gone now, but phantom pain exist there. The worst pain is of my heart, I'm not sure if it's possible for a heart to die while it beats still but if so than mine is that
My eyes...almost permanent white. I'm blind to color, my depression has hit such a low I can't imagine pulling out of it
When I look around the manor, all I see is black and grey
Draco's once blue eyes are just a shade of dull
The outfits Narcissa bought for me, black
Nothing around me is vivid it's all lacking
I miss my place, beside my friends with Fred...near my dad
I miss the feeling of feeling

Draco and I were sitting at the dining room table, he was eating his usual eggs and my usual oatmeal sat in front of me that I picked at

"You have to eat" Draco said concerned

"I'm not hungry" I said

"I know, but you're wasting away" he said pained "I'm worried"

I don't even know who's body I'm in anymore
All my muscle that I gained from playing quidditch was gone, leaving behind bones that were protruding through my skin.
My face was sunken in, my cheek bones were sharp but my skin tone was dull from lack of sunlight
My hair was a frizzed mess, Narcissa and Draco have been trying to help me but I can't bring myself to do anything but wallow in pity

Draco and his mum promised to help me get out of here, it was supposed to be on Harry's 17th birthday but that was still a few days away. I don't know how much more I can handle hearing Bellatrix laugh during meetings when my parents' death was brought up, or Barty touching me when no one was looking, or Voldemort staring darkly at me as if he could see the power I took from him
Every day here I feel my mind slipping
If it wasn't for Draco and his mother it would have

There was no meeting tonight, the house was occupied by Lucius Narcissa and Bellatrix only. Draco and I like usual stayed up in his room talking about life
This time we discussed what it was like in the common rooms at Hogwarts

"Gryffindor was filled with red and gold as you can imagine"

He scoffed
"Worst colors really"

I pushed him off his bed
"Best colors you mean? Reds my favorite"

He smiled
"Green is mine, I guess it worked for us"
The only time I find myself feeling better is when we discuss ourselves
Draco is so...intriguing. He tells me everything and anything to keep me from falling down a path of pain
I find small bits of smiles pushing through when it's just us

"I see you eat a lot of eggs for breakfast is that your favorite?"

He nodded
"Yours is oatmeal right? I noticed you ate that a lot at school so that's what I told the elves to make for you"

I nodded as well
"What's your favorite subject?"

"Potions because I was good at it, yours?"

"Transfigurations" I laughed "our house leaders teach our favorite classes"

Draco's door busted open and he jumped in front of me
His mum looked fearful

"We have to do it tonight Draco" she said running up to us and handing me a box "I made this for you, open it when you are safe"

"What's happening? Harry's birthday isn't for a few days??" I asked panicked

She pulled me in for a hug
"Death eaters are going after him tonight, they're moving him to a safe location. Snape tipped us off about the plans, I have no time to explain it further, Draco you know what to do" she went from hugging me to then her son "stay safe...both of you. Electra I hope to see you again when things are better"

She stormed out of the room leaving me and Draco alone
Draco ran up to his closet and grabbed a bag I've never seen
He tossed the bag to me, when I grabbed it it turned small in my hands

"It's enchanted to become pocket sized. Everything you need is in that bag, in case things don't go as planned" he said putting on a jacket
He grabbed one for me and helped me into the sleeves
He zipped up the front, and dusted off the top

Banging on the door made me jump but I put the bag inside my pocket, along with the box that I threw into the bag

"Draco you and Electra need to get downstairs now" Lucius said from the other side of the door

Draco looked at me and hugged me tighter than he has before
Tears threatened to fall but I pushed them back

He pulled away from the hug and then grabbed my hand and we raced for downstairs

Cracks of apparating wizards could be heard from outside the manor
The door was soon flooded with death eaters, pacing around arguing with each other

"The boy is being moved tonight" one said

"We have to get there now" another yelled out

"But the dark lord isn't here what do we do?" One said panicking

"He will meet us, no one harms the boy but him" Snape yelled at the crowd

Draco looked at me and then back at his mother
She was anxiously playing with her hair and staring at Lucius as he spoke

"Draco you and Electra fly together, put her under the curse and use the power the dark lord gave her on the order" he demanded

Draco nodded
We all went outside the manor, leaving behind his mother
"Goodbye thank you" I mouthed to her

She nodded her head

Draco grabbed his broom and then took out his wand
"I'm sorry" he mouthed "Imperius"

Everything was foggy again
My body moved onto the broom behind Draco
We flew up into the sky but I couldn't move or say anything
I felt an urge to hold on so I did

We flew for a half an hour before we arrived on scene

Brooms we're flying in the clouds
The order was on those brooms

The Imperius curse was released and I could move for myself again
Draco stayed back while the other death eaters charged into the chaos
Each broom with order members had Harry on it
I counted 6 Harrys
Where is the real one...he's either with Moody or Lupin I bet

"Electra" Draco called for me

"Yes?" I yelled back

Spells were tossed around in the clouds, red yellow and green

My hands were shaking but I focused on Draco, he had a plan to get me to them

"Electra were about to go in the middle of that, are you ready?"

"How is that going to get me back to them?" I needed to prepare myself for escape

"It's not, we are going to fly around so they see us in the battle. Then we are going to hide, and when all sides are gone we are going to fly as close to the burrow we can get and then unfortunately from there you are on your own"

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