Year 5 Part 1

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After the dinner, Hermione and I walked hand in hand to our dorm rooms, leaving Ron and Harry behind

  "If I even see her walk my way I'm hexing her" Hermione said

I laughed
   "Hermione I love you, can we just be together?"

   "Aren't we already?"
We both laughed and when we made it to our dorm rooms, we unpacked our clothing and chatted with our other room mates

I was going to talk to Fred on the train but when I saw him kissing Angelina I decided to give up on us and move onto my future goals, professional Quidditch player.
Though I suppose playing this year is going to be difficult, having Fred on the team, and Angelina the team captain. I was really looking forward to playing again this year especially now that Ron wants to play

"Hey Hermione I'm going to go find Ron and Harry and then head to the quidditch field for practice" I said waving her off and headed for the door to go down stairs
Please don't be down there Fred

  "Ok I'm going to study then I'll be down there to cheer you all on the field!" Hermione said laying out this years books

I opened the door and took a deep breath before I started down the stairs
I took each step slowly, hoping to not hear his voice, but I did of course he'd be down here still

"I didn't kiss her on purpose! You all know how long I've loved her" I could hear him say

"I'm not letting you near her if you're going to break her heart with some ex" Ron said

"Ron fuck off" Fred said

"Hey Fred lets go work on some pranks before we head down for practice, maybe we can get a couple of teachers like that new one for Defense she's already got a stick up her ass" George said

I waited a few minutes until I heard the door open and close, and then only heard the voices of Ron and Harry

"Do you really think he would cheat on her?" Harry asked

"I've never known him to do that to any girl, but I don't like seeing Electra hurt and I'll do what I can to keep her from that" Ron said

I made my way down the stairs and walked up to them

"Hi" they both smiled at me softly "Ron are you still trying out for quidditch this year?"

   "Yeah that's the plan, are you doing ok?" Ron asked as he went over and hugged me

  "I'll be fine, let's just go practice yeah? Classes don't start till tomorrow and try outs are this week" I said grabbing Harry and Ron's hands and walking out of the common room

  "Should we have invited Hermione?" Harry asked as we walked down the hall

  "She is studying for classes, and will come see us when she's done"

Ron rolled his eyes
    "Classes haven't even started yet"

   "Yes but she's Hermione Ron, she is the reason you aren't failing all your classes"

Harry laughed "it's not much different than what we're doing, starting quidditch practice before it's even offical"

  "Exactly! I hope you make the team Ron, you'll make a fantastic Keeper. No one will be better than Oliver, sorry Mate, but you will be a good replacement" I said lightly punching Ron's shoulder

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