The letter

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

It's been a few hours since we all fell asleep. I woke up around 5am, and the only other person I could see awake was Mr.Weasley.

When I went to get up too, I felt Fred's arms tighten around my waist. He had slept with me the whole night, it's not new for us to do this but in front of his family it is.
The only one who really ever had an issue was his mum, maybe my dad if he found out we did this

"Hey Freddie I need to go use the restroom, I need to get up"

"I'll go with you, I don't want you going alone" he said sleepily

"No it's ok, I see Hermione starting to wake too, I'll go with her. Keep sleeping my love, I'll be back soon when I come back I'll wake you" I kissed him goodbye and went to the girls half of the tent

"Good morning Hermione, need to use the bathroom by any chance? We can go together" I said whispering, Ginny was still asleep

"Yes let's go" she said removing her blanket, she never was a deep sleeper always easy to wake

We greeted Mr.Weasley, he offered to walk us there but we felt safe enough to go alone so we declined his offer
We left the tent, and walked to where the bathrooms were last time we had to use them

"Electra, I was really worried for you when we left. I told Ron I felt guilty leaving, he did too. When we found Harry we wanted to go back, but then the ministry thing happened and next thing we knew we were back at the tent. Then Charlie and Bill found us, and told us about what happened and Mr.Weasley left to go get you all. I was really scared for you"

"I'm sorry for worrying you Hermione, I wanted to protect you. I knew if you stayed you would have been the target and I didn't want that to happen. I left my guard down when he disarmed me, I'll be better next time fighting them"

"Next time? What makes you say next time??"

"Hermione, we both know this isn't the end. Death eaters are a part of Voldemort's-don't hush me I'm not afraid of his name-army. They are controlled by him, he will rise again. As much as we don't want that, we have to stay prepared for it"

The restroom was completely destroyed no surprise there, we ended up finding the forest closer to us and popping a squat while each other watched for traffic

"This place was so beautiful before the chaos" Hermione said on our walk back

"I know, all the happy families and colors of both Quidditch teams...what an end to the summer. I wonder if every one else got out like Cedric. I don't fancy him anymore, obviously, but I still hope him and his father made it out ok"

"Me too"

We held each other's hands on the way back to the tent. I'm very protective of my friends, and even though I knew we are safe now I can't help but feel the need to be watchful over her

When we arrived back at the tent, Fred was standing outside of it

"Hi Freddie" I said letting go of Hermione's hand and moving to his

"Hi Love, you two were taking a while I got nervous"

"We walked slower than normal, we were taking in the scene of what happened last's a mess really"

"Dads made tea for us all" he said

"Let's go inside" I said gesturing the way to the entrance

We let Hermione go in first, but he placed his hand in my shoulder, stopping me before I could go in

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