Year 3 Part:17

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We all went to the burrow for Christmas break, even though I opposed doing so when I knew my dad was at the castle alone. I just found him, I didn't want him to be alone for the holidays again.

"Electra dear I know you feel guilty about your father, but you will see him when you get back and I'm sure he will be happy knowing you had a relaxing holiday" Mrs.Weasley said

"Mrs.Weasley can we spend the holiday together next year, like all of us?"

"Of course! We just have to find a way for your dad to get around without being spotted, I'm so happy he's back in your life. He's a great man you know"

"I do" I said smiling

I left the kitchen to go see my friends in Ron's room. Fred and George were busy using the Christmas gift I got them, an invisible ink Quill for when they are home and their mom is trying to snoop on their ideas. I got Fred a separate gift as well that I need to give him still, I just would rather do it when he's alone.

"Mom told me to bring Scabbers with me to school, she said he's lonely here by himself. Hermione if your stupid cat tries to eat him I'll hex him" Ron threatened

"You will do no such thing! Leave Crookshanks alone" Hermione yelled

"Ron, you know how I love animals right? I'm sorry to say your rat is so ugly"

"He's old that's why! In rat years I'm sure he's like 50" Ron pet Scabbers as he said that


There was something off about that rat, he's creepy. I've found him running over me while I'm sleeping and just making me feel uncomfortable. There was one day I was able to sleep with Fred in his room, and the rat ran over us while we slept, I woke up to it on my face and screamed. Fred and George jumped up, and when I told them the rat was there Fred grabbed it by its tail and chucked it into the hallway. Then George plugged under the door with shirts so he wouldn't find his way back in, that nasty creature.

We returned to the school, and we all went to our rooms to unpack.

"Crookshanks it's ok if you eat him, I mean please do" I said as I pet him

"Agreed, I wish Ron didn't bring it back with him"

"Does he ever run on you while you're asleep?"

"No it's disgusting I'm so glad it doesn't find it's way to me, maybe because Crookshanks is always around"

"Hermione I might need to borrow him when I sleep I 'd get myself my own but I don't think having a dog as a dad would work well with a cat" I said laughing

It was Saturday and we all went to Hagrid's hut to see him. He was skipping rocks into the lake

"Hey Hagrid what happened with Buckbeak? I'm sure he's ok right I mean he didn't hit Draco he hit me. When I testified I told them how he was an incredible creature and wouldn't harm anyone without being provoked"

"You said very kind words that day thank you Electra. Lucius Malfoy wasn't happy with him of course, saying 'it could have been easily been my son and what if he got murdered from that beast' you know being dramatic and such...but he has such a pull with the ministry I'm afraid what you said wasn't enough...he's been sentence to death" Hagrid said as he threw a giant rock into the lake

"No...I'm so sorry!" I said as I went towards Hagrid

"Is there nothing we can do to change their mind? What if we hide him?!" Harry said

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