Year 5 Part 33

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I transformed back into my human form, not wanting too many death eaters to see what else I can turn into, and Ron raced for me to help me get up

I looked around the room we were in, and saw Luna was limping and being supported by Ginny, Hermione was clutching her arm
Harry looked fine, so did Neville and of course Ron

  "What is this place" I asked not to anyone particular

  "Get behind me" Harry demanded

We all looked up and saw dark figures swarming the room

We tried running for Harry but were unsuccessful, death eaters surrounded and grabbed a hold of us separately

My head was pounding, and my back was on fire but it was nothing compared to the pain of a werewolf's claw digging into my neck

The smell alone made me realize who was holding onto me
Fenrir Greyback
I knew of him only from stories that Lupin told me

I looked around the room and saw Lucius in front of Harry, with all our friends being held by their throats

We're so fucked
I'll never see Fred or my dad again
They're going to kill us here
Fenrir's grip on my neck tightened and I felt blood drip from where his claws were puncturing me

  "Give it to me, or your friends die" Lucius said

Another females voice was laughing in the background, this time I recognized it
My mother

  "Lucius don't be such a stick in the mud, let's have some fun with our guest" she said

I looked at her, and could see her eyes were extremely dark
She must be under the curse now

  "I see my daughter is here too, Barty look who's here" she yelled

My heart was going to explode
Out from the shadow walked Barty Crouch Jr
I hated how my body reacted to seeing him
I felt myself start to violently shake

  "Fenrir hand Electra over to Barty they have some catching up to do" she said staring at me
But there was something like pain written on her face, it wasn't there the last time I met her

Barty Crouch walked slowing towards me, as if he was savoring the catch of his prey
I can't believe he's here
I can't believe I'd rather be held by Fenrir than be touched by him again

He inched his way closer

  "Don't go near her!!" Ron yelled but then I heard him scream in pain

Panicking was taking over me
This isn't a dream
He's here

  "Hello beautiful" he said as Fenrir reluctantly passed me over

He grabbed onto my neck and held me close
  "Did you miss me?"

  "You're lucky, I wanted this catch to myself" Fenrir said

Having Barry's hands on me again, brought back fears that Fred helped me get passed

  "Kill his friends" Lucius said

  "Wait" Harry yelled

  "Give me what I want and nothing will happen to them" He said back

  "Harry don't—" Neville tried saying but was choked towards the end

I watched as Harry handed over the prophecy, and Lucius gripped it tightly

Harry looked around the room at each of us in defeat

I closed my eyes, knowing we lost

But then I heard a voice that I didn't think I'd hear again
My dad

  "Get away from my daughter you bastard" he yelled as his fist came directly over my head and straight into Barty's face

I watched as he fell down, and bolts of bright lights filled the room, surrounding Harry and then going to my friends to rescue them

I threw myself into my dad and felt tears fall down my face

He cradled my head
  "It's ok my sweet girl, I'm here"

  "But it's not she's here too" I said pointing directly behind him

To where my mother was standing with her wand facing towards us

I heard a crack behind me and I knew Barty had apparated out of the room

  "Nova..."my dad said stepping in front of me

She looked at both of us, and I could see her hand shaking

  "Nova my darling it's me Sirius, you remember me dont you?"

All around us order members and my own group were fighting death eaters
I heard another crack, but this time it came from the prophecy that Harry smashed in front of Lucius who was fighting off both him and Lupin

I put my wand towards my mom
  "Dad she can't be trusted" I put my free hand on his back

  "Do you remember the day we first met?" He asked walking closer to her "we had just got sorted into our houses, and you tripped over your own two feet walking back to your table. I laughed at you and said 'First time walking?' you glared at me and told me 'watch it or you'll be the next one on the ground'. A threat I didn't think any normal Hufflepuff would make, little did you know that was the day I started falling in love with you"

I tried holding my dad back but he kept going towards her

  "In our 5th year, you were best friends with my best friends girlfriend and you had come to watch a quidditch game that I was a part of, chaser to be specific" he winked at me "You were smiling and laughing at your boyfriend who flew up to you in the stands, captain of the quidditch team, but whenever he left you alone, you couldn't keep your eyes off me" he said laughing "maybe because anytime you looked at me I was making a fool of myself or maybe because you felt something for me and couldn't hide it. Can't blame you I was extremely handsome" he smiled

I watched as a tear fell from my mothers eye

  "I saw him in the hallway the day after, and being the ignorant boy I was, I beat him up" he was inches from her face "you were so angry with me, told me you'd never speak to me again, though you barely spoke to me in the first place" he put a hand on her face "but you came around, the next year actually you know when I came back even more devilishly good looking"

I knew I shouldn't let this go on, but something about seeing my parents together made

  "We became a couple that year, and were inseparable after"

There was silence, but then I saw light shine in my mother's eyes
  "Sirius" she said holding his hand

  "Nova" he said back closing his eyes

  "I can't do this" she backed off and then held her wand to him

  "I know you are there you can fight this" he said walking towards he again

  "Dad..." I said panicking
I could see the darkness in her eyes again "dad get away from her"

He couldn't hear me he was too far away and the room was too loud for my voice to carry

I started running towards him

But before I could get close, a shot of green went flying his way

Someone was screaming

I think I'm screaming

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