End Game Part 17

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2 days passed and Ron seemed to be in a better mood

  "I think we should go back to the campsite" he said to me

I was eating some kind of egg dish he grabbed for me and a glass of water with it
I smiled when he told me he wanted to go back
  "I'm glad you think so too"

We packed up our things and disapparated from the lowlife inn and back to the site where Hermione and Harry should be

When we arrived we both walked around for about 10 minutes before we gave up finding them

  "They left us, really come on" Ron said annoyed

  "Ron we left them, they had to move on"
I'm still a little surprised they didn't wait longer

  "We have no way of finding them" Ron said discouraged

I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder
  "We will find them, let's just apparate to some other locations we've been to maybe they are in one of those?"

He agreed and took my hand
I apparated us to five other locations before we gave up for the day
If we continued in such a short amount of time one of us could get splinched
And without Hermione here to heal us we would be screwed

We ended up at another village and stayed in another inn filled with drunken fools
This time the room keeper gave us a room with one single bed
Ron let me have it while he laid on the ground with an extra blanket we had to go downstairs to request

Ron brought back a paper with the blanket and I spent some time reading it while he listened to the radio for news

My name was front page along with Harry's
Wanted for questioning
Big reward
Bring alive

I know Voldemort wants me because of some power I have of his, but I still didn't understand it myself
All I knew about it was it was strong and dark
I haven't tried practicing it since we left the burrow, I'm too afraid of hurting myself or anyone I'm around
But every once in a while I hear it sing to me
Sometimes it's in a language I can't understand, other times it just saying the same words over and over again
Girl born from a storm
Girl with his power

Usually when my powers sing my wand acts up too, as if it understands its powers and wants to control it
Ollivander did tell me when I was a kid that my wand would grow in power when I suffered a great loss
My dad was a tremendous loss for me

We stayed here for one night before we tried finding them again

And again
And again
Until a full week had passed and we still had no idea where they would be

  "This is so fucking frustrating" Ron said kicking a broken log in the middle of the forest we were standing in "why wouldn't they have waited for us to return?!"

  "Maybe they didn't think we would"

Ron looked at me
  "You should have stayed with them, at least you could have convinced them to stay for me"

  "But you would have been all alone out here, it was important for me to come with you. Buddy system" I said grabbing his arm "we stick together ok? Voldemort can't get us all if we are separated I suppose"

A crack of wood echoed in the distance
We both got our wands out and stayed silent in our spot

More cracks of wood
Multiple people

  "Ron we need to leave" I whispered going back to hold his hand

A flash of red went flying for us and we both ducked to dodge it
Ron sent one back in the direction it came

  "Ron we need to apparate" I said over the sound of more spells coming our direction but he wasn't able to hear me
He kept throwing spells and so I did too

Until the group showed themselves
Fenrir Greyback and that crew he was with before, five in total now

  "Look who we have here" he said walking towards us

  "We need to leave..." I whispered

Ron jumped in front of me
  "What do you ugly lot want?"

A guy on Fenrir's right side smiled
  "Money that's what we want. And your friend there will give us a lot, she's all over the papers"

  "Fat chance in you getting her" he sent the stunning spell his way but the guy blocked it

  "What's your name kid?" Fenrir asked curiously "on my list are you?"

  "Don't worry about my name asshole" Ron backed into me and kept his wand in front of us "I'm nobody"

I've never seen Ron be so brave
He must be nervous

  "I'm not worried trust me I'll figure it out, everyone talks after a few limbs have been broken" he smiled viscously "now hand over the girl"

Fenrir's group started to surround us
I felt a spell get thrown at us from behind but my bracelet bounced it back at him and he went down

  "Ah I see you got your toy back" Fenrir said looking at my wrist "Narcissa should have let me keep it I would have made sure you never found it"

  "Ron we need to—" I looked at Ron's shoulder and it was beginning to tear a little
The spot he was splinched before
I understand why he hasn't apparated us yet
He's going to splinch if he tries right now

Ron noticed where my eyes went and then looked me dead in the eyes

We shot spells at the four of them and then we ran in the direction of the one who was already knocked out

Spells flew past us but my bracelet kept shielding me from them
Ron was good at dodging so I wasn't worried about him
I'm just worried about his arm

  "Ron how long until your shoulder is ok?" I yelled throwing a spell behind us

Ron touched his shoulder
  "I don't know but it doesn't hurt as bad maybe a few minutes"

  "Ok" I said looking around "there!!" I yelled pointing to a cave I saw "let's hide"

We both ran for the cave and ended up having to crawl to the end because of how tight it got

We waited for the snatchers to come our way
We waited to hear their voices
But we heard nothing

Our breathing slowed down and we both were about to stay silent and wait it out until we heard a spell get casted at our cave and it blew up above our heads

Ron shielded me with his body from debris, but the whole cave collapsed around us

Ron groaned and moved a little above me
  "Ron are you ok??" I asked nervously

  "Yeah" he said

Then I felt his body get tossed off of mine and I got grabbed from the ground and thrown across the forest

I landed on a tree and heard something snap
My arm

I felt blood trickling down my head, and my arm was in severe pain but I opened my eyes and saw in front of me Fenrir smiling

Across the forest I saw Ron get kicked in the stomach a few times and then kicked across the ground further away from me
  "Ron!!" I yelled

He looked at me pained and before Fenrir could grab me I nodded my head and we both apparated to new locations

I thought we would go to the same spot
The first inn
Maybe he did
But somehow I ended up in a place I didn't expect
Diagon Alley

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