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Monday, June 1st, 2020 

Danielle's POV

I sit in my bed watching the tv as Stefania and Gio come into my room with a worried look on their faces. "What's wrong?" I ask and sit up without pain. 

"We- I need to tell you something and it's going to be scary," my heart starts to race on the monitor as she continues. 

"You're pregnant..." she continues to talk and the rest of the conversation was a blur. 

"How?" I manage to say as she holds my hand. 

"I'm going to support you with whatever you decide to do, okay?" She rubs the back of my I stare down at my stomach and look over at Stefania with this shocking news running through my mind. 

I didn't even think about this happening. "I- I didn't even think about this," I somehow get the words out. 

"I know, I didn't either," she looks into my eyes and kisses the back of my hand, "I'm going to support you with whatever you choose to do." 

-another 4 weeks since the attack, around 8 weeks pregnant-

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020

Stefania's POV

Danielle is finally leaving the hospital tomorrow, all her internal injures are healed and her arm will be fully healed in the next few weeks. She still hasn't decided anything about the baby growing inside her body. With whatever she chooses to do I'm supporting her. I'm just worried, she hasn't said much since she found out, she hasn't told Barrett or Jaina or anyone. Her parents have no idea what has happened to her since they won't talk to her. She really only has Gio and me.

"Gio?" Danielle says quietly as I sit at her bedside. "Can I talk to you alone?" I wait for Gio to stand up and walk to her bedside. 

"Would you want to get out of bed and walk laps while we talk?" he asks and she shakes her head in agreement. He gently helps her out of bed and they walk and talk about who knows what. 

She hasn't really been talking to me but she's been getting better with talking to Gio, I guess it because he barely knows her and that's easy, I'm not sure. The silence is good, she's thinking. 

She avoids eye contact even when I fed her. I'm worried about taking her home today. I also haven't seen Jeff in so long that I'm worried about her too. I lay down in the recliner in the corner while they make laps around the floor.

Danielle's POV

"I think I want to keep it?" I say still confused about what I want. 

"Really?" he says with his under my arms in case I fall. 

"Maybe, I'm not sure," I pause, "Yes, the baby will be a reminder of him, but everything will be a reminder of him, I don't want to give up on a baby that could be the best thing to ever happen to me, besides Stefania of course," I finish and look at Gio. 

"Have you tried talking to Stefania about this?" he asks as we turn the corner. 

"No," I say softly and look over at him, "I should I know, but I'm scared, what if she doesn't want the child and she leaves me?" I look in front of me and to the floor as we continue to walk. 

"Stefania is not leaving you, that woman loves you," A smile forms across my face and we get ready to go by my room. I stop and look in and see Stefania's smile from the doorway. 

"Come here," I form a smile and look up at Gio, "You're going to be the best brother-in-law," I say and lean against him as Stefania puts her arm under my shoulder and I put my weight against her. 

"You can go, I got this," I smile up at Gio and he walks into my hospital room. We start to walk and lean against Stefania, "I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you," I say softly as I put my arm around her torso. 

"It's okay Bambina, you've been going through a lot," I feel her smile as she holds my body up. 

"I need to tell you something," we both stop in the middle of the hall. I make my way over to the wall and lean against it. 

She stands beside me with her arm around me just in case. "I, um, I've come to a decision," I look over into her chestnut eyes and look down at my stomach as I put a hand on it. "I think I want to keep it, but only is you do too," I say softly as Stefania's face doesn't change. 

"Hello?" I say leaning into her face, "Anybody in there?" I knock on her forehead. 

"Oh, be quiet," she finally says something.

"Are you sure you want to keep it?" she asks me, "I'm only asking because of how and who it was made by," she says. 

"I know," I pause and stare deeply into her chestnut eyes, "This could be the best thing that ever happens to me, to us, and I don't know if I want to risk getting rid of that," I say as she gently puts her hand on my face. 

"Bambina, I'm on your side on what you want, if you think you should keep it then we will," I watch her speak, and a smile form across her face. 

"I really think we should," I lean in and kiss her, which I caught myself off guard when I did that. 

"Wow, you just-" I cut her off by kissing her again short and sweet.

"I want this baby with you if you want it too," I say taking my hands from the rail behind me and putting him on her shoulders. 

"I know you aren't going to hurt me and I know you wouldn't hurt our baby," I smile and watch the smile come across her face. 

"I want this," she says as she slowly backs away from me making sure I can stand on my own before doing so. 

"We are having a baby?" she asks and I shake my head. 

"Yes," I smile and she jumps up and down. 

"This isn't the way I wanted to have one, but if you are sure, 100% sure, I'm okay with it," she says making me feel oddly good about my decision. "Wow," she lets out a big sigh, "I'm going to be a mother, we are going to be mommies."

Stefania's POV

I lean her against the wall making sure she doesn't fall as I let her go and jump up and down. I get down on my knees and put my hand on her stomach, she's gotten to the point where she doesn't flinch at my touch. 

I gently kiss the outside of her shirt and look up at her. "I'm going to be a mommy," I smile and stand up and face her, "We are going to be mommies," I smile and take her hand putting it over her stomach.

"You want this?" I ask one more time, "it could be the second-best thing that has ever happened to me, and if it is I want it in my life," the way she smiles is something I haven't seen in a long time. 

"So yes, I'm sure, and I think you are too," she laughs and we look down at our hands on her stomach, "We should probably head back to my room," I suggest as a nurse passes us in the hall. 

"Probably" I smile and place a kiss on the back of her hand, "Come here," I put my arm under her shoulders for support as we talked down the hall, "I love you," I whisper as we walk to her room. 

"I love you too."

A/N-Yes I know yall are mad, but deal with it <3


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