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Thursday, September 17th, 2020

"Danielle?" Stefania yelled throughout the house in search of her girlfriend who appeared to be no where to be seen. The brunette continued to look throughout all the rooms, taking a break from painting in the nursery. "Bambina?"

The Italian made her way to the back door that was left open, spotting Jeff in the backyard with the fairy lights strung across the backyard. The dog's white tail stuck out from the opening in the shed where she had her attention caught on something.

"Bambina?" Stefania spoke as she made her way to the shed door, gently leaning on it as she peaked in to find her girlfriend talking to their baby. "What are you going out here?"

"I miss exercising, so I'm just going to look at the machines and weights," Danielle spoke as she turned her head to her girlfriend.

Stefania looked around the bland shed, mostly filled with Danielle's gym from when she had a gym in her garage. "You'll work out again," the brunette let out a laugh thinking about the sweat dripping off her face and her white towel resting on her shoulders. 

"Yeah, but I want to now," the blonde pouted as she gently rubbed her belly bump.

"Will you come inside, please?" the Italian pushed out her bottom lip, wiping the paint onto her shorts.

"Are you done with the wall?" Danielle asked and with the help of her Italian girlfriend she got up from the floor.

"I am, my love,"

"Do I get to see it?" the younger woman wrapped her arms around the older woman's waist, pressing a quick peck to her lips before leaning back.

Stefania leaned back, placing her hands onto the woman's stomach with a smile stretched across her face, "Si." Stefania whispered as she pressed her lips against the blondes, intertwining their fingers as they walk back into the house with Jeff by their side.

"So, I still need to put a second coat," the brunette paused as they walked into the room where a crib sat with a tarp laid across it.

"Stef-" the blonde looked at the long wall where the crib would go after the baby was born. "It's perfect," the younger woman wrapped her arms around her girlfriend that stood there with a smile on her face. 

The wall showed six sheep jumping over a fence in the clouds. The blonde looked back at her girlfriend pressing another kiss against her lips, "You like it?" 

"I love it!"


Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020

"Baby, it's going to be fine," Danielle attempted to calm her girlfriend's nerves as they sat in the doctor's office.

"I'm still nervous," the brunette's leg bounced as they waited for the doctor to call them back.

The blonde put her hand on her knee in hopes of helping her calm down. "Baby, it's going to be fine, it's just an ultrasound," Danielle smiled up at her girlfriend that continued her nervousness but her knee stopped bouncing. "Are we going to find out the gender?" the younger woman asked in an innocent tone.

"I think we should,"


"Do you guys want to know the gender?" Dr. Fielder asked as she pulled the ultrasound over to her, squirting the gel onto her skin. 

"Yes," the two of them spoke at the same time. Stefania held the woman's hand as the doctor looked at the monitor.

"It's a girl!" the two of them smashed their lips together as the doctor continued to make sure the baby was healthy. "Everything seems to be fine, you guys are about 21 weeks pregnant, so how about you guys talk to the woman in the front to schedule your next appointment. Have you been taking all your prenatal vitamins? 

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