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Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

Danielle's POV

I take a step back from my mom after our shared hug ends, "We have a lot to talk about." I look at the grey-haired woman as I reach for Stefania's hand. 

"Yeah, we do," I look back at Stefania as she wraps her arm around mine.

I stare into my mother's eyes as tears start to form as we sit on the couch, talking about everything that had happened to me. The trailer, the man, and my clothes lying on the floor is the only thing in my mind.

I feel as the man touches me in ways I never wanted to be touched. I feel him putting all his weight on my wrists, pinning me down until he was finished with me. I look up at Stefania as she walks in with her flashlight on her phone turned on max. 

I still remember Stefania's face from that night, probably what I remember the most. Stefania's face, the fear as she sees me laying exposed on the trailer bed that we had many memories on, her face turning into a frightening mood as she dials 911 while my lifeless body lays there unable to move as I wasted all my energy trying to fight off my rapist.

"Danielle," Stefania yells, knocking me from my thoughts as tears start to stain my face. I flinch when she rests her hand on my arm. "Danielle, it's fine, it's me," I look up at her face trying to hold back my tears from the flashback I just had. 

"I need air," I struggle to say as it gets harder to breathe. 

"Come on," Stefania takes my hand, leading me to the back porch, flipping the light on.

"Just breathe, okay?" She sits me down and kneels in front of me. "Just breathe," she that's a deep breath and helps calm me down. "Look at me," she says while taking my hand, resting the two of our hands in my lap.

Stefania's POV

"We are done talking about it," I say softly as I look into her ocean blue eyes. The two of us breathe and listen to the waves crashing against the sand. "Now stop crying," I pause as I wipe away the tear that's running down her cheek, "It makes me sad to see you cry, please stop," I smile up at her as I run my fingernails on the back of her hand.

 "Can we just go lay down?" Danielle asks as she presses her forehead against mine. 

"Of course,"

"Stefania," I hear Danielle's mother call my name as we make our way over towards the stairs. 

"Yes?" I turn around to face her. 

"May I speak with you?" I turn and face Danielle, squeezing her hand before letting go. 

"Head upstairs, I'll be there in a minute," I make my way to the living room where the three of them are watching the television. 

"I have a question," Kathie speaks up, silencing the TV that sits in the corner. 

"Is Danielle pregnant?" her question cuts me off guard as I lean against the arm of the couch. 

"Uh, yes," I say softly as I pull on the ends of my fingers.

"I knew it, I told you," Kathie hits her husband's arm with her hand as she looks back at me. "Is she keeping it?" I look up from my hands to the blonde woman standing beside Stephanie. 

"Yes, we are keeping it," I say softly watching as her face changes. 

"I'm surprised you are staying," she sends a glare up to my face as she finishes her sentence. 

"Of course I'm staying, I love her, why would I leave the woman I love, especially when she needs me the most," I stand up straight, putting my hands in my pockets as I look between the three of them. "She's carrying my baby, trust me when I say this, I'm not leaving her," I make my way to the bottom of the stairs looking up at the bedroom door that's been left open. 

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