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Thursday, February 21st, 2020

Danielle's POV 

I walk out of my trailer and see Stefania walking out to the parking lot. I hurry my steps and get to my car when she does. "Stefania," I yell walking up to my car. "Tell Jeff I said hi," I say dragging my hand across the hood of my car. 

"I will, Bella" she looks over at me unlocking her car, "have a nice day," she says one last time before getting in her car. I stand outside of mine while I watch her drive away from the parking lot.

Stefania's POV 

I drove out of the parking lot looking back to see Danielle watching as I drove away. I pull into my house and let Jeff outside. "Come on Jeff, time to go inside," I clap my hands as Jeff runs to the back bedroom. I follow Jeff and watch him lay next to the clothes on the bed. The folded clothes were hers. I grab the clothes and take them to my room so I remember to wash them later. I look down at my phone and retweet a Grey's Anatomy post. I walk into the living room with Jeff and lay down on the couch. ding. I look down at my phone and see a text from Danielle

D- nice job today.
S-same for you.
D- I'm having a get together with some of the people from Station 19 if you want to come. After all, I think you'll have to get to know them soon.
S-i'd love to, what do I need to bring.
D-just yourself. here's my address [address]
S-Okay, I'll see you soon:)
D-see to you soon.

Stefania's POV

I sit up from off the couch and decide to get ready early. I walk over to my room and put on this outfit:

I slip on a white sports bra and a sweater with jeans

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I slip on a white sports bra and a sweater with jeans. I grab my keys and give Jeff some dog food before leaving. I grab a spare change of clothes in case I spend the night. I quickly lock the door and head out to the car putting my clothes in the backseat in a bag. I pull out of my driveway and pull up the directions.

Danielle's POV

I walk to the door after hearing a knock, "Danielle, I'm sorry I came earlier. I wanted to help you set up!" she says. I let her in and she looks around my house. "I like your house, Bella," she says to me. "Thank you," I smile and head towards the kitchen. Stefania follows me and I grab the salsa from the fridge. 

"Danielle, next time let me make the salsa," she says walking over next to me. "Definitely" I look over at her and smile before getting interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I walk towards the door while Stefania stays opening the salsa, cheese, and the ground beef from off the stove. I look over and watch Jaina, Barrett, and Oak walk-in. We've already met once before I met Danielle. I look over and smile towards them while they find their spot on the couch.

Stefania's POV

Danielle walks back over to me and I help her take it all to the living room. I walk back to grab bowls and take them to the living room. Danielle follows me and she sits down on the end of the couch. I take a seat on the floor leaning against the couch. Danielle turns the tv on when Jay and Grey come in and take a seat on the two armchairs that were off to the side. We all have a casual conversation talking about life and station 19. 

Danielle turns on The Invisible Man and I lean my head back looking up at her. She looks down and smiles. I lean my head against her leg and watch the movie. I jump and hit my head on her knee 

"Ouch," we both yell in pain. everyone looks at us and laughs. Barrett and I are the only ones that are fazed by the show. I jump once again and Danielle puts her hand on my shoulder. I put my focus back on the show until Danielle walks around me. "Bathroom break!" I watch her run down the hall. I stand up and stretch while the movie is paused. I sit back down in Danielle's spot not really thinking much about it. 

I watch as Danielle walks in and makes a face at me making me realize I'm in her spot. I quickly move back into the floor in the corner of the L shaped couch. she crawls over me back to her spot and plays the movie. I jump and she laughs at me. 

"That part wasn't even scary," she laughs. "It was to me, shut up!" I playfully punch her leg. "Hand me a pillow," I say to Danielle, "per favore." She hands a pillow down to me and I put it between my head and the couch. soon after the movie ends and everyone starts to leave. leaving me with Danielle, Barrett, and Jaina. 

"Sleepover?" she asks playfully. "I'm in," I say and the rest nods. Jaina moves to the armchair and I move up next to Danielle on the part of the couch that lays out. Danielle turns on another movie and I grab her hand. "Sorry," I whisper letting go of her hand, not to interrupt Barrett and Jaina. "It's fine." she reached out and grabbed my hand. I smile and face back towards the tv leaning my head back on the couch. 

I jump once again making me squeeze Danielle's hand. I feel her looking at me and I wrap my arms around hers and lay my head on her shoulder. when the movie ends I let go of her and let Barrett take our spot. 

"I'll sleep on the floor," I say laying a pillow on the carpet, "Can I get a blanket?" I ask. "Stefania I'm not letting you sleep on the floor," she laughs at me, "Come on." I stand up and follow her to her room. 

"Sleep here," she smiles at me, "are you sure?" I ask, not knowing what exactly to say. "Yes, take my bed," she says walking over to her dresser, "and that these." she hands me grey sweatpants and a soft white shirt. I smile up at her, "Thank you, bella," I smile. "Anytime, I'm going to see if they need anything," I say nodding and walking out of the room.

Danielle's POV

I shut the door behind me giving Stefania privacy to change. I walk back to the living room and see two people passed out on the couch. I put two blankets over the top of them and turn off the tv. I walk to the kitchen and put away everything including the dirty dishes. I walk back to my bedroom with one of my favorite blankets.

"Are you decent?" I ask. "Mhm, come in, bella," I hear Stefania say. I walk in and hand her my favorite blanket. "Here ya go," I say while grabbing the other one from the corner of my room. I grab one of my pillows and lay it on the ground on the same side as Stefania. 

"what are you doing bella," she asks confused. "I'm sleeping on the floor so you don't have to," I say laying down on the ground pulling the blanket over my body. I look up at her and she lays down in bed. "Good night," I say admiring Stefania's face looking over before she lays on her back.

Stefania's POV

I look back over the edge, "Goodnight Bella," I say turning over to my back. Why am I letting her do this I think to myself as I lay on my back on her comfy bed. "No," I say looking back over. "No what?" she says confused. I get out of bed and stand over her. "Get up," I say leaning over her and grab her. 

"You made me watch horror movies and now I'm scared, and I'm also not going to let you sleep on the floor," I say lifting Danielle. "Get in your bed," she looks at me and smiles. "Feisty today now are we?" she jokes and rolls into bed. "Shut up, Danielle," I push her onto the bed playfully. I watch as she gets under the blankets tossing her favorite one over to her. 

"Are you going to lay down, or just admire me all day," I glare at her smartness and lift the blankets. I lay down and roll around until I get comfy. I face her and we smile at each other. After what feels like hours of the two of us chatting, we both fall asleep with a smile on our faces.


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