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Monday, February 1st, 2021

"I am not cheating on you," Danielle spoke while picking up her voice after processing her thoughts. "I would never, EVER cheat on you. I can't believe you think I would,"

Stefania's heart began to race. How could she think that Danielle would cheat on her? The thought still ran through her mind as her girlfriend put her hands on her shoulders. "I'm getting out of the shower," the younger woman spoke while listening to the baby cry over the monitor. 

The younger woman stood in the shower with the door open while it poured on her head.


Friday, February 5th, 2021

Danielle and Stefania arrived at work after a long night of arguing back and forth. The blonde would have normally gone on a run when she was worked up but she was afraid that Stefania would get the wrong idea, thinking she was going to another woman's house.

Danielle made her way to Barrett's trailer where she and Jaina were sitting on the couch. Both of them know about what the two of them were going through. "How are you?" Barrett asked as the blonde rested her head in her lap.

"She still isn't speaking to me," Danielle closed her eyes as she spoke, feeling the woman's hand run through her hair. She lifted her legs to fall into her lap.

"Well, did you cheat on her?" 


Saturday, February 6th, 2021

"Do you want me to bathe her or you?" Danielle asked as she took both her plate and her girlfriend's plate from the living room area to the kitchen.

"I'll give her a bath," Stefania turned off the television. Her hand hitting the sofa as she sighed.

"I can give her one if you just want to go to bed," The younger woman offered while walking back into the living room.

"I said I would do it, Danielle," The older woman stood up from the sofa, turning the swing off that Gioia sat in before picking her up.

"Okay. I'm going to go for a run," Danielle picked up her water bottle from the counter, filling it with ice.

"Oh yes, so you can go see your girlfriend again?" The brunette muttered under her breath before being turned around.

Danielle grabbed her wrist, turning her around with the young girl against her shoulder.

"What did you say?" The blonde looked up with near tears in her eyes.


"You said, 'So you can go see your girlfriend again,' didn't you?" Danielle spoke in a whisper while running her hand over her face, hoping it would stop her from crying.

"Well, are you?" The brunette got out of her girlfriend's grip.

Danielle attached herself to the brunette's lips, kissing her passionately almost like it was their first kiss all over again. "Stefania, you are my girlfriend. The only person I want to make love to, to have a family with, to marry is you. Please, please understand that,"

"I'm sorry," Stefania spoke softly against her lips with her eyes shut, unable to open them thinking she was going to see tears in her girlfriend's eyes while her voice was shaky.

"I'm going for a run on the treadmill and I'll be back in thirty minutes, no more. I promise," Danielle spoke softly before taking her metal water bottle and heading towards the backdoor.

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