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This chapter will mention rape, read at your own risk

Friday, May 1st, 2020

Stefania's POV

As her eyes open I see the pain and torture she went through. Her eyes automatically filling with tears and her taking her hand out of mine. The small groans from pain leave her mouth as she moves her hand from mine. 

I look back at Gio who tries to stay his distance knowing she wouldn't want to be near men. The pain caused me as she took her hand from mine. I'm in pain too, watching her like this is the hardest thing I've ever been through and it's only been eight hours. 

"Good morning," The female doctor comes in quietly, "I'm going to take you down to ortho to get you fitted for a cast because your scans have come back with a broken wrist," she unlocks the wheels and smiles down at her. 

"You two can walk with us if you'd like, I know she may want to be with someone right now," she smiles, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Dr. Wheeler," I shake her hand and walk out the door and down the hall keeping my hands to my side. 

I look away from Danielle and over at Gio who is keeping his distance. I feel another hand reach for mine. I look down at Danielle whose face tells me the amount of pain that did to her just by trying to get to my hand. 

"Is she on any morphine or anything?" I ask and the doctor's face looks surprised. 

"Yes, she's on max morphine," she says as we enter the elevator, "Do I know you from somewhere?" she asks as Gio pressed four. 

I look over at Gio and smile because we both know where she knows us from. "Uh, I'm Stefania Spampinato, I- uh, play Dr. Carina DeLuca from Grey's Anatomy," I let out a little laugh at the end. 

"I thought you two looked familiar," she laughs as we get to the ortho floor. "Now you two can wait in the waiting room as fit her for the cast," She smiles. 

I watch her be rolled into the room and I just stand there with no emotions. "Stef," he puts his hand on my shoulder. 

"I can't do this," the tears run down my face as turn and hug him. 

"It's okay Stef, this is going to be hard but you can't give up on her," His voice starts to crack, "not yet, don't give up yet, she's going to make it through this," his voice gets weaker throughout the sentence. 

I lean back and look at his eyes tear up and he just looks into the window of the room Danielle is in. "Why are you tearing up?" I laugh a little and wipe my tears away. 

"Because," he pauses and looks down at me releasing his grip around me, "that's my future sister-in-law and I really like her," my eyes widen as he looks back up to Danielle and wipes his eyes. I wrap my arms around him tight hear his sniffle. The tears running down my face are from sadness and joy from what my brother said. At least someone in my family accepts me for me.

 I let go of him and walk to the window making eye contact with Danielle's sad eyes. "The look she gives off hurts my heart," I say softly leaning against him. 

"Me too," he puts his arm around my shoulder and we watch them put a cast on her wrist. 

"God, I love her,"

Dr. Wheeler pushes the bed out of the ortho room and backs out into the hall. "I-" Danielle tries to say fighting the pain. 

"It's okay, don't hurt yourself," I say setting my hand next to hers allowing Danielle to choose if she wants to take her hand or not. 

"You picked my favorite color," I smile looking over at her yellow cast. She nods and searches for my hand. 

We finally get to her room and Gio takes his seat in the corner of the room and leans back. I walk over to him and mess with his hair. "You can go home, fratellino," I say softly as he puts his feet up. 

"I'll stay, I'm not letting you fight this alone," he smiles and closes his eye. 

"Oh merde, Jeff!" I take out my phone and quickly text Barret and Jaina. 

S- can one of you go pick out jeff?

B- Of course we will:)

S-thank you so much

J- is Danielle awake?

S- si, she can't talk but she's awake.

J-okay good, tell her we love her and we will see her tomorrow. 

B-Tell her I love her too!!

S-I will! thank you for taking care of Jeff there is a key under a rock at the backdoor.


I look up from my phone to the love of my life in the hospital bed. "I- I-" she gets out, "Love you," she gets out making my watery eyes cry even more. 

"I love you too," I place my hand on hers and she flinches a little. "I'm sorry," I take my hand back and place it on my lap. 

"N-" she reaches her hand to grab my flinching ever so slightly at my touch. I look down at my watch and it's almost 2 am. 

"Would you like a cot ma'am?" a nurse peeks her head in. 

"Uh, yes," I say softly as I watch Danielle's eyes close. The woman comes back in minutes later and puts it on the ground. I look over at the cot and back at Danielle deciding I'm not leaving her bedside. I watch her breathe, listening to Gio and Danielle snore softly. I rest my head on the bed and softly kiss her hand before dozing off. 

Danielle's POV

Pain. That's all I feel. The touch of Stefania scares me. I look down at her with her head on my hospital bed and Gio who's sound asleep in the corner. The tears leave my face and I stay quiet. My hand holds Stefanias not wanting to let go of anything. The memories rush through my head and I feel her head move. I look down and see her eyes on mine. 

"Don't cry," she moves her empty hand to my face wiping my tears. I turn the other way. I can't look at her like this. She touches me and I jump. I've never not wanted to be held by her and now I can't let her touch me. 

She stays patient with me as I look the other way of her as my tears fall from my face. What that man did to me continues through my head along with the tears. John. What John did to me.


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