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Wednesday, February 20th, 2020

Stefania's POV

I walk into my bedroom and grab a t-shirt and a pair of shorts for Danielle. I head towards the guest room, knocking on the door. "Come in," I hear faintly from the other side of the door, I open the door to find Danielle laying on the bed all spread out while she looked down at her phone. 

"I brought you some clothes to change into," I laugh quietly at the way Danielle is laying. "Hey, don't make fun of me!" she sits up. "Also do you mind if I use your shampoo and conditioner" she walks up to me and smiles. "Go ahead," I smile, "I'll be in my room if you need anything. The towels are on a shelf in the bathroom," I smile and walk back to my room closing the door behind me. I lay on my king-sized bed and open my phone to all the tweets wondering why I'm with Danielle. I send out a tweet:

"I guess you guys will have to find out why I'm hanging out with Danielle on Thursday!"

I send out getting tons of comments because I don't usually tweet. I follow Danielle on Twitter while I was on there I hear Jeff's feet padder on her way to Danielle who is walking across the hall. "No Jeff, you can't shower with me," I hear Danielle laugh towards the end making it hard to stop thinking about her. Technically I'm not out as bi or gay or anything, but Danielle brings something out in me. But I can't have anything with her it would ruin our career if we broke up. so I can't be open and honest with her. 

I hear Danielle shut the door to the bathroom and I walk out to the kitchen and Jeff follows. I grab some stuff to make a salad and I sit down at the table. Once I finish my salad, the bathroom door opens and steam comes out. "I see you have used all my hot water," I laugh looking at the girl in the shorts and white t-shirt with wet hair. "Oh shut up, I didn't use it all," she says. "only most of it" we laugh and Jeff trots next to Danielle. 

"Damn, it's gonna be hard trying to leave this dog tomorrow," she laughs and leans down to pet Jeff. "Well, I made a salad in the kitchen if you want some," I smile. "yes please give me one second to put my clothes in a bag, and then I'll gladly come to eat with you," she walks away into the bedroom. I walk back to the kitchen and grab some dog food out of Jeff. Jeff hears the dog food hit the bowl and is running over in no time. While Jeff is chowing down Danielle comes into the kitchen. 

"Where are your bowls?" she asks me. I lean over the back of her and open the cabinet above her. She grabs a bowl and starts to grab some salad. She sits down at the table and starts to eat while playing on her phone. 

I look over my phone towards her admiring her face. "Sei bella," I say softly. "I don't know what that means," she laughs. "Bene," I smile and look back down at my phone. "I'm going to have to learn Italian so I know what you are saying to me," she glares at me. I shrug and continue to look at her. 

"I'm going to bed. buona notte bellissima, Dormi bene." I smile while watching past her. "Good night?" she questions and still has no clue what I'm saying. "Goodnight, Danielle," I yell from across the house.

Danielle's POV

I have no idea what she is saying,  she is probably enjoying the fact that I don't understand her. I stand up and put my empty bowl in the dishwasher and load the rest of her dishes away. I start the dishwasher and walk to my room for the night. Jeff walks with me to my room and jumps on the bed. 

"I don't know if you are supposed to be up here but I won't tell your mom if you don't," I wink and shut the door behind me. I roll over to my phone and place it on the charger. I look at my notifications and see Stefania added me on Twitter. I, of course, add her back and see a text from her.

S-Is jeff with you?

D-yes she is because she likes me more than you.<3

S-Jeff is still my dog you know that right. 

D-are you sure about that?


S-  go to sleep Danielle

D-I'm not tired

D-you go to bed

S- I'm trying. but I'm not tired 

D-goodnight Stefania:)


I roll over onto my side and put my phone away. I roll back over and pull the blankets above my shoulders.

Stefania's POV

I roll over with my phone in my hand. I watch for my phone to light up one last time but it doesn't. I get out of bed and walk quietly to Danielle's room. I peak in and see she's now asleep. I walk to the kitchen quietly not wanting to wake her or Jeff up. I grab a glass of water and see Barrett texted me.


B- hi Stefania, I wanted to know if Danielle was okay, she hasn't been responding to my texts.

S-hi Barrett, Danielle is okay she is sleeping right now. I can wake her up if I need too

B-oh, no it's fine. just wanted to make sure she was okay, goodnight. 

S- goodnight 

I walk back by Danielle's room and peek my head in. I admire the beautiful, sleeping woman before walking away towards my room. I lay down under my covers and fall asleep.

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