•thirty two•

714 41 5

Hey guys, this is so heart-breaking, I don't like it when Alexa and Mr. Styles aren't togethaaa, it makes me sad. ):

Could be errors.


Alexa's POV.


Louis has let me crash in his room, while he takes the couch. I insisted on sleeping on the couch, but he refused to let me. He has his really good moments, then it's as if he remembers that's he is Louis Tomlinson.

I sigh, its 11 am, so I get up, grabbing my bag. I go into his bathroom and get changed, brush my teeth, then my hair, putting it in a high ponytail, do my makeup, then go to check if he has woken up yet. He lays on the couch, watching football.

"Hey," I say, awkwardly. He sits up and I slouch into the couch, thanks for letting me stay."

"Yeah. No problem. Uh.. Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yep. Never been better." I remark, sarcastically and he chuckles.

"Miss. Sass this morning."

"I'm just not in the mood," I say, shrugging.

"Me neither to be honest. I always thought that when you finally came to mine, it would be to have sex, I guess not," he laughs and the thought crossed my mind, but then I remember, that's a stupid idea.

Then again, I'm a stupid person.

"Hm.. Maybe after my questions." I say, biting my lip. Louis lifts his top over his head, then before he puts his clean shirt on, I say, "or questions after." I say and crash my lips to his.

He's got loads of pointless tattoos scattered on his body. They are pretty cool though.

"Wait. Condom first." He says and goes to his room. He comes back in just his boxers.

"Done?" I ask and he nods. I remove my t-shirt and pull down my jeans.

"What?" I frown, when Louis looks at my body.

"N-nothing," he looks me in the eyes, "y-you're just... Um... Beautiful," he says, in a hushed voice and I examine his face.

"Come on," I say. It doesn't take Louis long, and it did calm my thoughts of Harry despising me.

"I've waited so long to do that," Louis breathes. "Shower?"

"Yeah, please." I say, "you can go first if you want?" I suggest and he smirks.

"Come in with me," he says, when I begin getting ready.

"In a shower?" No way. That's far too intimate. "No, fuck off." I laugh and he shrugs, disappearing into the bathroom.

I go out onto veranda, sighing. I dial his number; I don't know why, he's not going to answer-

"Forget something?" Harry's harsh voice spits into the phone.


"Why you phoning me then?" He says, yet again, sounding aggressive.

"B-because,... you never listened to me. You never listened to what I had to tell you."

"What is it then?"

"I wasn't... I didn't... I didn't ask to see Louis for sex, I came to see him because I wanted to... He said something about you and I wanted to know more-"

"Why? It's none of your goddamned business, anyway,"

"B-because... I want to know more about the guy I love..." I trail off.

"Love?" He sounds disgusted and confused.

"Yes, Harry. I love you. So much. Please don't just give up-"

"I'm not just giving up, I'm moving on from you and your pathetic lies." He spits, "you disgust me." He says and my eyes water.

"I... But..." Before I can finish, he hangs up and I start crying. Full out crying. I run into Louis' house and leave a note.

"Got to run. Thanks for letting me stay.

-A x"

I leave it on his coffee table and grab my bag and leave.

I phone a taxi and get it to school. It's practically empty. After smoking a fag, I get all packed up to go home.

"Mum?" I say into the phone.

"Alexa! Hiya!" She shouts.

"Can you pick me up, I'm about to go to the train station and come home," I whisper.

"Sure, darling. Everything okay?" She asks and I crack.

"No..." I say I wiping my eyes. "I miss you mum." I mumble.


I throw myself onto my bed. I call Harry. Knowing he won't answer. After three tries, I give up.

Why can't he see I just done it for him? I just wanted to know a little more about the guy I cared for.

My mother brings me up a cup of tea and sits on the edge of my bed.

"I saw Zayn yesterday.. He was asking for you, he said when you come back, you could go and see him." She says and I nod.

I might just do that. Play video games, drink my sorrows away. Plan. Plan. Plan.

I phone him and let him know I'm coming over. I get ready again and walk round to Zayn's. It's weird being here. It feels weird.

He lets me in and goes up to his room, me following behind. I get in and he is playing his PS4. Typical Zayn.

"Controller, please?" I say and he laughs handing me the second player controller. I play Advanced Warfare with him and he curses at the screen every now and again.

"How you been?" He asks and I nod.

"Fine. You?"

"Good, thanks."

"Hmm." is all I hum then we finish.

"So..." He says putting his hand behind me.

"What do you want to do?" He asks and I shrug.

"Any food?" I ask and he laughs. He hands me a packet of crisps and I eat them.

"I had something else in mind." He says, his hand on my thigh. No fucking fuck fuck.

I swallow my crisp, "no." I say sternly and he moves his hand up further.

"Why not?" He practically whines.

"One; I've already had sex today. Two; I will never have sex with you again, Three; I need to go home," I sigh, getting up and walking out.

All people want is sex, sex, sex. No thanks. I mean, I either have sex once a month, or twice a day. It's never just the normal amount.

I go to Michaels first, spend an hour or two with him. Go home. Eat dinner. Get forced into a conversation about My mothers wedding. Go to bed.

Well, this holiday is fucking amazing.



Two updates in one day, don't say I'm not good to you.

-e v e <3

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