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The movie finishes, then Niall, Marcel and Liam go up to Marcel's room to check out this new video game or something, I don't know, Niall plants a kiss on my forehead then disappears upstairs.

"I need to go get my work folder sorted for tomorrow, you guys okay down here for a bit?" Gemma asks and we nod.

She jogs upstairs and Harry and I go up to his room. Luckily his is a bit further away from all the other rooms, when you get upstairs there is two corridors, Harry's room is the left corridor, the rest of them are along the right one.

We get inside and I sit on his computer chair. He sits on his gaming chair and moves it closer to me.

"What happened?" He asks and looks into my watering eyes.

I wipe under my eyes, "Zayn basically broke up with me, and the whole time we were, whatever we are, he was seeing this other girl...I know Zayn isn't really the love type, but I really thought for those two years we had sex, watched movies and had sleep overs and shit, all the couple-y stuff, he loved me, in his own twisted way. But, the whole time, he was probably doing the same the next day with this other girl," I start crying and Harry hugs me, like a genuine hug.

He stands up and pulls me to my feet. I am still embraced by his warm hug, the smell of his amazing aftershave suffocating me in a good way.

"Aw, babe...that sucks, what an arsehole!" Harry says, annoyance in his voice.

"Yep," I whisper, "I mean do I have a sign on my back saying 'fuck me about' or something, because now a days that's all people ever do to me!" I say and Harry strokes my long blonde hair and kisses my forehead.

"Sh," he says over and over again, trying to calm my tears, "don't cry, baby, he's not worth any of your tears beautiful," Harry smiles at me.

I pull away from him and he looks at me in confusion. I quickly jog out of his room and downstairs, locking myself in the bathroom in the guest room. I slide down the door and cry quietly.

"Alexa? What did I do?" I hear Harry's voice on the other side.

"Go away Harry!" I shout. He keeps asking me what he did wrong.

I ignore him and after a few minutes, I unlock the door and sit on the bed.

Harry stands up and walks towards me, he sits next to me, keeping a safe distance.

"You're all the same... Every fucking boy is the same. You all fuck with girls emotions, make them feel special...loved, then you drop them for someone else. I know fine well, when we leave here tomorrow, you'll go back to ignoring me, shouting at me, or hating me, and you'll give your girlfriend all the love in the world, and make her feel special, the same way you've made me feel the past two days." I say looking into space and Harry stays silent.

"You know what's even worse? You don't even know you's are doing it, I mean I couldn't even tell if Zayn and I were a couple for two full years because every time I brought it up, he'd shrug or dodge the question... And with you, you made me extremely jealous with you beautiful model girlfriend, reminding me I'll never get a perfect boyfriend like you, I'm stuck with the one I don't even know if I'm actually dating, then you go and make me feel special, tell me I'm beautiful, make me actually feel worth something, then I realise, you're someone else's man, not mine, you are so perfect, but you're also a cheat Harry and that makes everything amazing about you, look...look pathetic...and unimportant," I say and look at him, his eyes are glossy.

"I know cheating on Amber is really horrible, but last night was the best night of my life, not even the sex, not the seeing you naked part or any of that, but laying next to you, holding you, hearing about all the pranks you pulled in school, and your favourite music, movies, bands, foods, colour, favourite drinks, just everything about you, and yeah, I know you left some personal stuff out about your life, but it doesn't matter, even hearing about your favourite ice-cream made me smile, I like everything about you Alexa, and I know you put on this brave face and act like a smart--arse and change your personality, but the real you, the one you hide, I love it, and I think you should show it more, and yes, I told you you were beautiful, and worth it and amazing, and I pointed out all of your perfections, because you deserve it, you are perfect Alexa, and you don't get told it enough, and I will compliment you, because to me, you are beautiful, and Zayn, he doesn't deserve you, heck, I don't deserve you! You know what? it was a privilege to spend one amazing night with you and I loved every second of it," Harry breathes and I break down into tears and pull him into me.

"T-thank you," I cry into his shoulder. His hot breath fans my neck.

"You don't understand how amazing you are Alexa," he says into my neck and I pull away.

"We won't be messing around, if you're dating someone, I won't be your bit on the side, but if we shake hands and become friends that would be amazing," I say and he hesitates but shakes my hand.


At dinner I sit next to Niall, well, he sat next to me more like. I helped Gemma and Anne make the beautiful chicken dinner. This time, I actually finish it, and Anne is ecstatic.

"Were you hungry today?" She grins.

"Strangely enough... Yeah," I laugh and she nods, "maybe it's just your amazing cooking Anne," I giggle and she does too.

"I think I should be a cook in your school, get some proper meals into your systems! No wonder you've got such a slim belly Alexa!" She says and I giggle.

"I actually handed my meal back to the dinner lady, then Harry just took it and ate mine instead, their mince looks like it's all stuck together and their food is freezing!" We all laugh and the boys all agree.

"Oh goodness me, now I'm definitely applying to work there!" Anne says, giggling.

There's a lot of awkwardness between Harry and I, but we've friend zoned each other and that's that. I help Anne stack the dishwasher with all the plates and cutlery.

"The storms blowing over, you'll be able to go home tonight," Anne says.


8:45 pm

We are all heading out to the car, I thank Anne for everything,and thank Gemma for the pyjamas.

Once we are all in our seats we set off, it's still pouring with dark clouds indicating there will be lightening tonight, we manage to get back at 9:00pm and rush quickly into the school and out of the rain.

I thank Harry then run upstairs, I hear someone chase after me.

"Alexa!" Niall's voice fills the dark corridor.

"Hey Niall, what's up?" I say and he smiles.

"I'll walk you to your room," he smirks, oh I know where this is going.

Harry's POV

I watch as Niall chases after Alexa. Marcel comes up to me.

"He's going to go into the girl dorms, he's going to be in so so much trouble!" Marcel says.

"What's he doing going there?" I ask, even though I know damn well.

"He said he's going to try get lucky with Alexa, I don't know," Liam answers and I nod.

"Do you think they'll fuck then?" I ask, trying not to show that it's ripping my insides out.

"Definitely, it's the luck of the Irish, I'm telling you," Marcel laughs, Liam does too and I nod.

I stomp off to my room. After everything this weekend, she's off to fuck Niall. Well I hope she knows he'll never be as good as me, and I'll be ready for when she comes crawling back to me. I put my career and love life on the line for her.

But I suppose that doesn't matter now because we're apparently just friends now.


-EVE ☾xoxoxoxo

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