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I stand in the social area. The massive hall looking thing where you go at break and lunch to have your intervals. Michael Clifford, my best friend, comes up to me with my other friends, Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin and Calum Hood.

I'm not a slut or anything, I've slept with Zayn Malik, but he's my sort of boyfriend, kind of friends with benefits, but I don't sleep around, I tend to only surround myself with males instead of females because with boys, there's rarely ever dramas, whilst if you hang with the girls, they are all about theirselves and just attention seeking bitches who back stab people for a living... I have some experience, since I was the one always targeted.

We go outside and walk down to the gates where everyone smokes. I grin when I see Zayn. He walks up to me after a quick 'hello' then our lips connect.

I put a cigarette in my mouth and light it. I take a drag, then Mr. Void walks down. Everyone scatters away, because even though he's really nice, when he shouts, he shouts. I stand there still smoking. Zayn looks worried as he watches me. Michael looks worried too, but I'm not worried one bit, this is usual for me.

"Alexa, can I see you in my office, now?" He says. He's my mums fiancé, but sometimes he does try to act like my dad and it's a pain in the arse.

"No, it's my break time.." I say in a whining tone. I take another drag of my cigarette then stub it out.

"I don't think it'll matter, you never go to class anyway," he sighs, irritation clear in his voice. I walk up to Zayn, giving him a quick kiss then walk up to the school again, in the front doors, then into his office.

I notice my mum sitting patiently. She breathes then looks at me in disgust. Someone's in a bitchy mood. She looked a bit like Kate in my Biology class every time I come in smelling of smoke.

"That is disgusting! I thought you said you were going to quit smoking! You promised!" She says looking horrified. I just shrug.

"Promises were made to be broken," I sigh, sitting in a chair directly across from Mr. Void. He enters shortly after and sits in his seat.

"Okay, look, I'm going to be straight out here, you are leaving this school without a degree in anything, literally. You failed every single test for your exams and you skipped important lessons, so I have a bit of a proposition for you..." He smiles, my mum grins at him then to me.

"Go on.." I say looking at my nails. I hear him moving a folder towards me. I sigh and pick it up.

"What the fuck is Evensdale Boarding School?" I say reading it, they can't seriously think I will go to this shithole do they? A boarding school? No chance.

"Well the thing is, it's your last few days here, so you could finish, then me, your mum and I could all go down there and show you what it's like, I've already paid half of it, it's the finest boarding school in England believe it or not, the teachers are well Educated along with the pupils, and I've saw your works from previous years, you were the brainy one of all your classes, what changed?"

"I did. I'm not going, you can't force me either, I'm eighteen which means I'm an adult," I say huffing. I stand and look at both of them who are paying attention to my every move.

"Look, I know you're going through that awkward age, but believe me, there is no way you'll get a job out there with no evidence of work whatsoever," he says raising his eyebrow, "also, some people can't even get into that school, that's how tough it is. Just please, try?" He smiles and I exit. Why are they doing this to me?

Since the bell has gone, everyone has scattered off to class, but I catch up with Michael, "skip this period with me, there's something important I have to tell you," I say.

"Okay," we walk back the way and out the front doors, some teachers stop us asking us where we're off to but so far I've just said 'piss off' to them.

We walk down to where the little river is across the road. Anger boils within me, how could this happen, how could they actually fucking do this to me? Maybe I just don't like school and I'm never going to behave.

"They're sending me to a boarding school, to repeat a fucking year, because I'm leaving without a Degree in anything. I'm actually raging!" I shout. I kick a little rock and it walls into the river.

"Oh my god! Are you for real! You're leaving!" Michael says, wide-eyed. I laugh a little because his reaction was quite amusing.

"Yep, when I finish on Friday, we're going down on Saturday..." I sigh. He embraces me in a warm hug and kisses my forehead.

"I just kind of wish my dad never left, he'd never make me do this, he believes that whatever you do in you're life is completely up to you," I say sighing. I don't know what I'm going to do without Michael, we've been friends forever, honestly, we were eight when we started to grow on each other, I helped him with his depression, he helped me with fitting in so it all worked out.

Now we are inseparable, it even annoys Zayn. But I can't help it, he's the closest I've ever had to a sibling, we have real arguments, like the kind you have with a brother or sister, then we make up two minutes later because there's something important or funny we need to say.



Today is the day, I'm forced to go on a three hour car journey to this stupid Boarding School. I mean who does that? That's just cruel. I hate when you're on a long car journey, and you keep thinking it's been absolute ages but it's been like an hour or so.

"Mr. Void are we nearly there yet?" I ask pulling out my earphones. He hates when I call him that outside of school, he says that I shouldn't do it since he's with my mother.

"Call me Jack!" He laughs, "and yeah, there it is there," he says pointing at a massive building away in the distance. He drives up the massive path.

"Take out that tongue piercing right now missy!" My mother shouts loudly. I shoot her a death glare and refuse to remove my silver tongue piercing.

Once we get up the long driveway, there's a building that is actually massive, that's not over exaggerating this is the biggest building I have ever seen for width. There's hundreds of little gardens. It's like five stories high.

We climb out the car and make our way up the stairs and into the main entrance. It's just all dark brown wood, even the floorboards. It's ugly.

We meet the Headmaster, Mr. Malone, he's pretty nice, I thought he was going to be a mean baldy guy who disciplines people. It turns out Jack knows him already, they went to school and college together. Great. Fuck buddies.

Just as we exit the office, I bump into someone, my parents are too far ahead to notice. His wild green eyes stare right into mine, and a weak grin plays on his lips. He pulls me back up before I lose balance. I smirk devilishly and for some reason, I feel like this is just the beginning.


Don't be afraid to criticise it, Just don't be nasty please, it's flown in, but I wanted to jump to the good bit... The next chapter shall be quite good.

-Eve <3 xoxoxo

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