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I love that photo, so I shared it with you, YALDAI!




I get unwrapped from the quilt and get up. I do the toilet, then go upstairs, after changing into pyjama bottoms and a crop top. I chap the door and when there is no answer, I just go in. Harry is laying on top of his quilt, shirtless, his room is in darkness and his making weird noises, is he... Crying?

"S-stop..." He whispers, his eyes shut, I can only make out his outline, the moonlight striking his face through the window. I enter the room, shutting the door.

"Stop..." He says, again, but a little louder.

"Stop!" He shouts and I run over to him and wake him up. His eyes shoot open and his eyes are glossy, it's the most heart-breaking thing ever. He looks at me flushed with relief.

"You're okay..." He says, pressing his lips to mine. He's shaking, his bottom lip trembling. His eyes move around the room, realising he is home and not wherever he was when he was having what i can assume as a nightmare.

"I'm okay... I'm okay," I reply, softly. He rest his head on my stomach.

"When are they going to stop," he says, crying into my thighs. I run my fingers through his hair.

"What? What is it?" I ask looking at him with sorrow.

"Nightmares. When will they stop?" He asks, like I should know.

"I don't know baby, I don't know," I say. This is the first time I've seen him having nightmares, usually I'm the one with the nightmares, I haven't got them in a while right enough, but I've never seen him with this type of emotion before, and I do not wish to see it again.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for scaring you earlier, I didn't mean it, I just want you to stay away from Louis... Please? Please don't go near him again?" He says, loudly, tears still rolling down his cheeks, his speech coming out rushed.

"Okay," I say, "I'll only see him on Thursdays.. I was meant go to his after school but-"

"You actually arranged to have sex with him!" Harry says, his eyes still glistening with water and his face still flushed a deep red from the heat on him.

"Well... Yeah, when I had to stand up I said that I like having angry sex to calm myself down, and he smirked and I smirked and the woman asked if I do it with my boyfriend and I said no, I do it with anyone who is there," I say, feeling embarrassed now. Why would I say that, that's disgusting.

"Wait a minute... that means.. you had sex with Niall again... Because... I came outside to look for you and you were both already gone and it was just you two and you were absolutely raging - oh my fucking god!" He shouts and I look at him.

"Yes, I did. I'm not sorry for it though, you were screaming at me, I wasn't just going to drop your pants in front of everyone, so you can't even be mad at me, after all, you do actually have your own girlfriend, that isn't me, so I can fuck anyone I want," I say, half-heartedly.

"Yeah... B-but..."

"See Harry? You just want to be the only one to touch me, but when I need it and you can't because you realise it's wrong, or you're in a mood, or we are in school, I'm obviously going to do it with someone else... I mean, it's not as if we are dating or anything,"

"Yeah, but... We've got something Alexa, we really do, why can't you see that?" He replies. I do like you, that's the fucking problem.

"I know, but we need to get rid of that, I mean Harry, you told me you fucking loved me, I mean.. We've not even known each other that long.."

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