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I haven't seen Mr. Styles in a few days, it's now Friday, and I can't take it, he doesn't want me in his class anymore. Mr. Malone says I can go back once I apologise, and obviously, I didn't.

I go down to music at the end of the day and notice the whole corridor and his classroom empty, but he's always here. I enter his classroom cautiously looking around, I'll just wait till he's back.

I notice his Piano and it brings back some old memories. When I was nine, up until I was fourteen, I played the Piano, and sang my heart out, but then my dad left, and I started all that shit in school. But maybe if I play now, it'll pass time. I slip onto his stool and run my hands over the keys gently then begin to sing as I play.

"I should ink my skin with your name,
Take my passport out again and just replace it,
See I could do without a tan, on my left hand
Where my fourth finger meets my knuckle...
And I should run you a hot bath, and fill it up with bubbles,

'Cause maybe you're loveable,
And maybe you're my snowflake,
And your eyes turn from green to grey,
In the winter, I'll hold you in a cold place,"

I continue to sing and play piano. Once I finish I hear a single clap. I turn and see Mr. Styles.

"I-I'm sorry, I c-came down to speak to you, it was to my intentions to--" I say babbling on, my eyes go quickly up and down Harry, hoping he never noticed. But of course he did. His black skinny jeans do wicked things to me.

"Calm down, it was amazing! Your voice, I was not expecting that, it's... Beautiful," he grins happily.

"Thanks, look sir," I say removing myself and moving closer to him until we are face to face, "I'm sorry I flirted with you, I know it's wrong, I just don't know, anyway, forgive me or not, but I'd like to join your class again and sit next to Niall and fill my jotter with hundreds of things I don't understand, if that's okay with you?"

"You're back on Monday, don't disappoint me Miss Davids," he grins and I nod.

"Thank you, and could you please just call me Alexa, I hate when people call me 'Miss Davids'," I say and he nods with a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

"Sure, Alexa, now go and enjoy your weekend!" He grins.

"How am I meant to enjoy it here? It's boring!" I say and he laughs.

"Go to the Friday night chess club in the cafeteria," he says and I laugh and shake my head.

"Where's Marcel?" I ask and Mr. Styles takes a sip of his water.

"He's at chess actually," he says and we both laugh.

"I'll go hang about with him, hopefully he'll ditch it and actually do something fun," I say giggling and Harry-Mr. Styles laughs.

I leave with a smile on my face. I can't believe he heard me play, I never let anyone hear me, apart from close close family.

I skip into the lunch hall and notice Marcel sitting with Liam. I walk over to them and smile. They greet me.

"Okay, I apologised to your brother," I say to Marcel and he nods not really caring wither I did or not.

"Oh, my mums having a Sunday dinner, she has it every now and again and makes me bring some friends, Ashley and Danielle are going home to see their families tonight and coming back on Sunday night so they won't make it, but I told my mum about you being new, and she really wants you to come, she's really friendly," he smiles and I nod.

"Okay, I'll come then, can't go wrong with a big cooked Sunday dinner," I'm mainly only going because Harry will most-likely be there.

"Thanks," Marcel grins and I nod, it's not a problem, I need out of here one day or another.

We walk about the building, bored.

"This is the most boring day I have ever experienced, I'll be back in a minute, I'm going to make a phone call," I run up to my room and grab my black leather jacket, my cigarettes and my phone.

I go outside and the cold crisp air hits me. September air. I breathe in deeply then go to little spot where I get bars. I go to contacts then call Zayn.

"Hey baby," I say when he finally answers.

"Alexa? Hi! Babe, I'm kind of busy right now," he says panting.

"What are you doing?" I ask. I have a good idea but I don't want to sound like a psycho over protective girlfriend, even though we technically aren't going out.

"Um... Working out..." He says slowly, fucking liar.

"At nine o'clock at night? Bullshit," I hear him moving about, stuttering trying to think up an excuse. I don't give him the time of day. I light my cigarette and Mr. Styles comes round.

He's on his phone then looks up and notices me, "no pupils allowed out after eight," he says looking back at his phone. I continue to smoke my cigarette and he sits next to me. He puts it in his pocket. He sighs heavily in what sounds like frustration.

"What's up with you?" I ask, knowing he probably won't even tell me, but it was worth a shot.

"Girlfriends are so difficult..." He sighs, and I look at him shocked. I pull another cigarette out my packet and smoke. He declines.

"Look, I guessed you didn't smoke, but you're stressed, and sometimes when you're stressed it helps, that's why I smoke all the goddamned time. And don't worry, I'm not a fucking snitch," I say, getting a dig in because he told on me.

"Fine, and I'm sorry for telling on you, but it was too awkward for my liking, I apologise..." He says and I light his cigarette for him.

He coughs out without inhaling so I tell him how to do it properly, and he actually looks so hot right now.

"Why do you always stare at my lips?" He says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"U-uh I don't know I just phoned my boyfriend, and he's having sex with another girl, so I really want to kiss you, but you'll snitch on me," I smirk and he looks at me.

"Stop calling me a snitch!" He says getting really pissed off, his eyebrows knitted together.

"You are, and you're a wuss, you can't even kiss a girl, shit bag, shit bag, shit ba--" before I can finish his lips crash against mine and I'm so stunned, but kiss back. He slides his tongue into my mouth without warning and I relax but about 1.5 million fireworks just went off in my head. His hands come up and fit perfectly on my face, his thumbs rub my cheeks. We pull apart and I look at him stunned.

"Oh my god..." I say and stand, "now you really can't keep me away, because you're a better kisser than my boyfriend!" I laugh. Harry doesn't even say a word. He sits back and I look at him.

"Oh no..." He says realising what he'd just done.

"Don't worry, I'm not a snitch, I won't run and tell every goddamned person in this school... I'm not like that, you can trust me," I smile. It's true though, I just spend my whole high school life in a school of snitches, so I've made sure I don't become one myself.

"Good, let's just forget about it okay," he says running his hand through his hair. I wipe my lips and stand up.

"But, Harry-"

"It's Mr. Styles, and no buts, it never happened, do you understand I could lose my job for that!" He says raising his voice a little touch.

"Look, everyone's in bed or at the front side of the school, no one saw, but I guess we can forget it," I say rolling my eyes. I walk away from him and hear him sigh. He's the one who kissed me, so it is his fault as well, he could've told me to shut up and walk away. Everything seems to end up being my fault, but even things that I truthfully had nothing to do with, everyone blames me, and wonders why I'm always so distant from them.

I walk into school and stomp up to my room. I go in and slam the door. I sit on my bed and pull the routes of my hair. What've I done.


I know it might be far too soon for a kiss, but I wanted that to happen, it's part of my master plan. He he he. Lol, no. However, it'll matter in a few chapters, believe me.

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