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First class of the morning. English. I try to remember how to get there when I went on a mini tour before summer, when I find it I enter the half empty classroom and find a seat at the back. I see Marcel enter and he sits next to me. He looks kind of worried and I giggle.

"I'm guessing you're not used to sitting at the back?" I say smirking. He shakes his head and pulls out a book. I'm not going to even attempt how to say the title.

Miss Anderson saunters in and the classroom is half empty. I look around, and catch the teacher looking at me. She growls before starting the lecture, the very boring-ass lecture might I add.

"Where is everyone, this is like a ghost town in here?" I say looking to see around ten more people, all geeks.

"This is it, there aren't many seniors, in fact, there's only about three or four senior classes.. There aren't many pupils in the whole school, they're very strict about who they let in, and they need to be wealthy, they want to remain the best Boarding School in England," he sighs.

"That's just fucking sad," I say. Miss Anderson's eyes dart up. I swear I saw steam come out her ears. She looks like she's about to explode.

"Get out of my classroom! You may as well take your things with you, you won't be returning until the next time you have English, when, hopefully, you've learned some manners!" She screams and everyone's eyes dart to me, this blonde haired boy laughs. He's cute. Damn.

I grab my book and exit the classroom after saying goodbye to Marcel. I walk down the corridor and decide to go to my dorm. I go up and fall on my bed. I fall asleep.


My head shoots up, "Shit! Shit! Shit!" I say and check my time table, I'm fifteen minutes late to music. Fuck. I fix my hair and make sure my makeups alright. I walk to music and enter the classroom.

I thought everyone would be playing their instruments and I could slip in quietly but everyone was writing in a jotter.

"Where were you?" Mr. Styles says looking hot as shit. Like seriously that man is sex on legs.

"Sleeping," I shrug, earning a few laughs. I find a chair next to a boy, he's the boy from English.

"Excuse me! I'm not done talking to you!" Mr. Styles shouts. He looks angry and his green beautiful eyes go dark.

"What is it?" I say casually, a few people chuckle, not many, they all looked shocked and amazed that I even questioned him. I look at him with the most innocent eyes ever.

"Go stand in the corridor," he says calmly and I remove my ass from my chair and walk out the door with everyone staring.

"Back to work folks! I won't be long," he says giving a clap then exiting. He's so hot oh my goodness. He shuts the classroom door and stands in front of me.

"Okay, I understand you're new, tired, bored already, but you cannot show up to my class and tell me you were sleeping! This is a very high up school for people who actually want to learn! I think you should start showing respect, and I know you aren't used to that, but you'll need to get used to it, and I better see some changes, understood?" He says.

"Your lips are so soft, I wonder what they feel like against mine," I say making kissy faces. He freezes on the spot.

"That is highly inappropriate!" He shouts, but I see the light in his eyes. He wants it as bad as I do.

"Shall we try it? Come on?" I say bantering. He frowns and starts off.

"Listen, I know you probably miss your boyfriend or whatever, but I will not have any sexual relations whatsoever with any of my pupils..." His body tenses under my touch as I fix his shirt, running my hands over his chest fixing his collar. He just stands, wide-eyed, confused, and frozen. He looks so stunned he doesn't know what to do.

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