•twenty two•

907 44 12

Monday Morning

I never told Harry what happened between Niall and I, I've just ignored all of Niall's texts and calls. I walk down to Jessica's dorm and luckily, her roommate is just exciting and let's me in.

"Jessica?" I call for her, as she turns to face me, with an annoyed expression, "hey.."

"Hi.." She says, blushing awkwardly. I don't want her turning into another Courtney and calling me a slut and everything under the sun, telling everyone what happened.

"Look, I know why you're pissed at me, but I promise it wasn't what it looked like. I don't like Niall like that, and right now, I don't even like him as a friend, I'm really sorry," I say, fidgeting with my hands awkwardly.

"It's fine..." She sighs, "I kinda knew he liked you anyway, because when I talk to him, his face is neutral, but when you do, he's.. Always smiling, and he's always looking over at you, when I speak to him... He has no shame in showing his attraction to you," she laughs, although she looks quite hurt.

"Boys suck," I huff and she agrees, "what are you at first?" I change the subject.

"Biology," she smiles and I nod, then we both begin walking out the door.

"I'll walk you, kinda want to pass time anyway, it would send out the message that I actually want to try if I show up early," I smile and she giggles. We walk down past all the rooms.

"I think that's why all the boys fancy you, you stand out..." She smiles and I look over at her laughing.

"They don't all fancy me," I reply, me still giggling a fair bit and she looks at me wide-eyed.

"In PE, all the boys are staring at you, if you sit believe me, wait until PE third period and I'll prove it," she says, laughing.

"Okay...mis this your class?" I point to the one with a creepy looking man.

"Yes with paedo Mr. Stokes, bye," she sighs, then he walks over to us.

"Good morning, Jessica," he grins, he is fucking terrifying, "are you new to this class?" He grins at me.

"No, sorry mate, just walking Jessica to her class,"I say, giving him a warning glare, but he doesn't seem to care.

"Mr. Stokes - good morning trouble maker," Mr. Styles voice is heard from behind me.

"Ah, Mr. Styles, what are you after?" He smiles, kindly at him, his creepy pervert face swiped off. He's a fly motherfucker.

"I need to speak to you in privacy... You have to sign this," he points to a sheet of paper that looks really important.

"Ah, yes. Your leavers form," he smiles and I freeze, looking at him. He can't leave.

"Um.. Yes, thanks," he smiles, then begins to walk away, not even looking back. He can't fucking leave. What the fucking fuck fuck fuck.

I shakily walk into my English class, "where have you been, you're three minutes late?" Miss Anderson tries to stay calm, so I will too.

"Sorry, miss. My friend had a panic attack, I had to make sure she was okay," I say, giving her an innocent smile. I feel like I'm about to have a fucking panic attack.

"Such a lovely young woman you're becoming.." she grins and I thank her, taking a seat next to Marcel... Where the fuck is Marcel? I swear, this day is turning upside down. I catch Niall looking at me, he smiles and I give him the finger.

First, I get looked up and down by a creepy perverted old teacher, then I find out my fuck buddy/sex god teacher is leaving, now I can't even complain about it to Marcel and I'm not even on speaking terms with Niall.

I might just find Dani and tell her. I know we aren't best friends, but I feel like I can trust her. I need Michael. Now. I get up and walk out of class, my teacher was writing on the board, so she didn't even notice.

I go up to the classroom that I always find them in, there sits Marcel. What a dick.

"Marcel! You're a complete di-"

"Don't finish that, young lady!" Mr. Stokes voice fills the small science.

"Shut up, pervert," I mumble, I think he heard me, because his face drops and he gets all cranky.

Marcel is too busy smiling down at his phone. Who could he be talking to, has he got a girl friend? I slide up to him, and in one swift move, I pull the phone out of his hand and run out the classroom.

"S-stop! Please... Please don't read it!"

"Who's your little girl friend Marcel?" I say running through all the corridors and out to the bench, I get there a few seconds before Marcel and look at his screen.

Holy shit.

Marcel is gay.

I stare at the phone wide-eyed, before Marcel snatches it off me, his eyes watering as he falls on the bench, tears sprinkle out of his eyes and he covers them, putting his face on his thighs, crying.

"Marcel-" I try to apologise, but he ignores me.

"When I tell you not to touch my stuff, don't fucking touch it!" He shouts, getting up. He wipes his eyes, stomping away. That's the first time Marcel has ever swore, or in my presence anyway.

I slouch in my seat, angrily. Great, I'm pissed off and there's no one to fuck. Maybe I should just phone Louis and ask him to fucking pick me up.

"Hey," I say, when he answers.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I'm angry," I say, eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes! Want me to come pick you up?" He asks and I sigh. I'm better not.

"Nah, you'll get into too much trouble," I say, looking over to the gardens. I get up and walk over to them, walking through the paths.

"Babe, I don't really care, trouble is my middle name," he says, laughing. I do too, walking along the path.

"I need to go to class, I just wanted to phone you, needed someone to talk to before I end up slamming another girls face on the desk," I sigh, giggling.

"You're such a tease... Hope you feel better.. I mean, see you on Thursday," he says and I get confused with the personality change.

"Yeah.. See you Thursday," I say, grinning then hang up.

It's as if, he is so kind and actually thoughtful, then he remembers who he is, and changes back to himself. Maybe this isn't himself, maybe this is a new Louis, that he has decided to put on so that he doesn't let people in. Kind of like myself then.

I walk into the school and sit in my room, I'm not even going to any classes.


MARCEL IS BENT OMG. if I can't have a gay harry imma make marcel gay ;)

- e v e <3

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